Thursday, May 13, 2010

Amazing Race Finale!

Wooohooo, congrats to Lori Dark Mcgee and the Gaybros, winner of the Spring 2010 Amazing Race! And, I think we all won as Miss Teen South Carolina taught us all a lesson about laughing at the dumb beauty queens among us. IT'S FUN AS HELL.

Ok, so the final 3 teams ended up in Shanghai (for like DAYS I think), and had to fly to San Francisco as their final destination. Does Phil friggin live in San Fran?? This is a repeat of a past race with a Presidio final.

Everyone, surprise surprise, is on the same place to SF. Gaybros are all excited because it's a gay friendly town. Apparently the flight crew is gay friendly as well (AND AGAIN, NO SURPRISE THERE), and the g'bros move up to first class to be closer to the front of the plane.

In SF they have to solve a riddle (which if done right leads to the Coit tower). Brent and Caite, every the politically correct nice couple, bitch about getting a non-english taxi driver. This from a girl that said, "such as, the Iraq" in perfectly understandable english. The cowboys bought a book in Shanghai, "The Smart Guide to SF", mostly to avoid (hmmmm or is it secretly find) the gay areas.

Brent and the Hater are lost. They're freaking out. Hater calls Brent a dumb ass, and tells him she wants to punch him in the face. Ahhh, I am seeing a double wide with lots of action of a drunken Friday night in their futures.

Gaybros get to Coit: it's a roadblock. One of them has to climb the 120 ft vertical tower. Daniel does it. Don't ask me which one is Daniel. Cowboys arrive about the time the Gaybros finish-they have to find the Yoda Statue at the Industrial Light and Magic studios.

Brent and the hater finally get the first clue, and stop at at hotel to ask what it means.

Star Wars GEEK FESTIVAL. Talk amongst yourselves, what is more gay Star Trek or Star Wars? You may use diagrams. At ILM Yoda gives out the clue and C3P0 leads the teams inside. Inside ILM, one team member has to wear a special onesie -oh, sorry, the proper name is a "Motion Capture Shirt". The other team member has to lead the first one in an animated computer game thingy. Cowboys finish BUT you have to spin to read the final clue. Gaybros arrive, and the one at the computer starts to randomly say shit to throw off the Cowboy. LOL. The gaybro finished as well, BUT he has to wait for the Cowboy to move out of the spot so he can read the clue. Gaybro watches the Cowboy turn in a circle the entire time but never thinks to say to his partner, "hey I wonder if I have to freaking spin too so you can read it". Meanwhile Little Miss Hater makes up some time. Damnit.

Teams now have to go to the famous Tonga Room. Never heard of it myself. You have to get a trunk and carry it to your next destination. I think R2D2 is inside and get all excited. Cowboys and Brent/Hater are neck and neck but the brain trust forgot their money and stuff and have to go back. YESSSSS.

Gaybros arrive first. The trunk is full of 11 "posters" of the legs of the race, and who was kicked off, and they have to put it in order. One of the gaybros has the order all written down. The final clue is another riddle, but is totally lame and leads to Candlestick Park. The cowboys arrive...Gaybros need a taxi...Cowboys are confused.........They finish........

It's a taxi chase (or we are supposed to believe it is).......the winners are.............the GAYBROS!!!.. Wooohooooo!! Cowboys come in second. It's a total I love you man brokeback moment. Brent and Caite come in 3rd. The nasty lesbian won't even clap. They are still fighting with Caite as the credits roll.

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