Thursday, May 13, 2010

Survivor on Speed

Ok people, buckle up, we're rushing towards Sunday's finale with two challenges and two tribal councils tonight!

Jeff voice over: Russell has achieved his goals with lies and deception". Just the way we like him. However, he is "super paranoid, wasting his idol last week".

Heroes think Candace is weak. Or, maybe just a back stabbing opportunist BITCH who Matt says is "dead to him". LOL. Still laughing about that. She's "pitiful and belongs on the Villain team", which is fortunate for her since that is the WINNING team.

Rupert thinks Russell is a disgusting human. He and Russell are in an out and out fight. Troll: "Ima villain, here to make your life hell. I'm the second coming of Christ". Ok, that's overboard even for me. "I want Rupert gone".

Immunity challenge #1: Jeff is in dark blue. It's the stand with one hand up, tied onto a rope with a bucket of water, or as we like to call it in our house, Saturday night. Jeff is going to challenge them. Jeff, I will let go for a little action in the woods. Pick me Pick me!!

Sandra and Russell step out for cookies and milk. Colby goes for 4 donuts and iced coffee. 35 minutes go by. PBJ, chips, candy and milk-Danielle, Candace and Jerri share this. It's down to Rupert and Perv. Let me just say FOR THE RECORD, that even though I think Perv is a snake, she does work it in the challenges. Rupert falls, and Perv once again wins immunity.

But wait!! There's a twist!! It's an immunity note that the Probster reads to everyone. Ahhhh, I love it when he reads me a bedtime story.

Back at camp and they are like ants on a picnic blanket looking for that idol. Sandra finds it. Rupert: "even if I don't have an idol, I can play like I do". He puts something in his pocket and strolls away. Russell thinks Rupert has it. Tells Sandra they need to split the votes 3-3, but Jerri wants Candace gone, Danielle wants Colby.

Candace: I did not join the villains. I was not the one that switched.
Colby: Bullshit.
Is it Rupert of Colby tonight? Troll says yep, Rupert is the consensus.
Rupert: I stayed until the idol was found.

Time to vote.......anyone have an idol??? Nope. Candace is voted out. Which is OK since she was dead to Matt anyway.

Russell: we just blew it, it was a stupid idea. Jerri: "then you should have stopped it". Troll:" I'm not fully in control but ima gonna take control so fast they won't know what hit them.

BANG, we're back to another challenge. Seriously, why all the rush?? It seems like a new challenge to me. Ya gotta dig up pegs, and then use them in a table maze then some wall thngy. But, alas, it's still just a puzzle challenge.

I'll spare you the drama. Russell wins immunity. And, when Jeff puts the necklace on him, they both burst into flames of hatred. Ok, I made that up.

They return to camp in the rain. Perv wants Rupert gone, she wants "no heroes left". Russell wants to break up Danielle and Perv, which is actually a decent strategy. He talks to both Danielle and Perv, working both. He and Perv argue: "If you talk to Danielle you are out of this game". Seriously, you can see how Russell recently got arrested for knocking a woman to the ground. And, I'm betting it was his mother.

Perv talks to Danielle- "Russell is a liar"

Russell is worried about Danielle and Perv. "As soon as we get rid of Danielle, Perv will be so scared she'll stick to me". Russell talks to Rupert.

Danielle and Perv talk to Jerri. "I'm voting for Rupert". Troll: "Vote Danielle or you are next". Which is ridiculous since she is probably next anyway.

Tribal: Dark blue.

Rupert: Who's running the show? Perv or Russell
Danielle: I'm not sure of that, the villains make joint decisions. Uhuh.
Jerri is it peaceful around camp? Hell no! As you can see, Jeff, I haven't had my beauty sleep in many moons
Perv: Russell told me Danielle was trying to blindside me. Russell is trying to trust loyalty
Danielle: LIAR. The 3 of us are in an alliance! Why is he testing me. boooohooooo. I'm a wreck and exhausted, and I have facial hair. I don't know why Russell is trying to mess with it all. I'm closer to Perv than you all think (boy I wish we had time to explore THAT LITTLE NUGGET).
Jerri is just sitting back sucking this up!!

Time to vote: Rupert 3, Danielle 4. "The villains are not one big happy family!!

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