Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Survivor: Religious Experience

Yo yo yo! Is anyone else thinking this season is gonna come down to a laser tag bout between Resurrection Island and Ometepe? God I hope not. And, apparently GOD is all over Survivor this season.

Ok, so Ralph arrives at Resurrection Island, tells them Steve isn't doing well and has lost 40 lbs. Then Steve arrives. He does look like shit. Soooooo, the Jury is all Zepetera (or whatever it was), so if any of them manage to get back in the game and make it to the final 3 or 4, they would have the jury on their side.

Andrea is happy it's Ometepe only, because, well frankly, she's an idiot. Natalie on the other hand cries, missing everyone. Per Rob, Natalie is mature beyond her years but is still only 19. Rob wants to keep everyone happy so they don't figure out it would be wise to get rid of him. Anyone else find themselves yelling at the tv-WHY DON'T YOU IDIOTS WONDER WHERE THE IDOL IS???" God, they are all ridiculously stupid.

Tree mail: it's a total product placement for SPRINT. And, the EPIC 4G SPRINT phone at that. It's an invite to resurrection island for the duel (or 4 people) and home videos. They all watch and get all emotional. They get a phone at Resurrection too. After trying to call Baby Jesus, they realize it's an incoming phone only, and they get home videos too.

Duel of 4. Jeff is resplendent in light blue. The winner of the duel gets to see there loved one. Oh, and it's yet another game of toss a ball and break a tile. Yea, I got up to get yet another drink and Mike had won. Steve lost, and I really think he intentionally lost to get a meal. Mike gets to see his mom Jane, who comes out. Or DOES HE GET TO SEE HER??? He has a choice. He can forgo his visit with him mom and give the family visits to Ralph and Matt,OR he can let the Ometepe remnants get to see their family members. Ooooooh. Drama. Mike say, "I was just reading the bible this morning and it talked about giving the most good to the most people, so I'll give the loved one visits to the people who freaking stabbed me in the back, in hopes that they might give me a vote".

Back at Resurrection, Ralph thinks he's an idiot. He ain't going along with this gods plan thing. (Note: Do starving people become more religious? Talk amongst yourselves).

Camp visit. Phillip tells his sister "it's a social game. I'll go crazy if I have to". Hmmmmm. Rob is all teary eyed at seeing his sister and says, "I have to win for my wife and kids". Wait, did he and Amber blow through that first million like trailer park lotto winners??

Tree mail: Immunity challenge. Rob "Andrea can't win tonight".

Challenge: it's a miserable build stadium steps thingy. Seriously, it looks like hell to me. Rob is dying but manages to win, whereupon he collapses and has leg cramps, needs water and is generally dying. Hmmmm, faking it?? I actually don't think so. He was really trying to kick Andrea's ass. Phillip wasn't even working it.

They all decide it's Andrea but they tell her it's Phillip. Phillip then runs around being a total asshole. He explains it's his strategy-to be the crazy villain so periodically he has to remind them all what an ahole he is so they keep him. He says he has his oral argument speech all ready. Rob, on the other hand, is starting to have second thoughts. Is Phillip playing me??

Tribal. Jeff my darling is in Dark Blue. He so reads my blog.

Andrea: are you concerned? No. I feel confident. LOL, famous last words.
Natalie-is it exciting to be just one tribe now? It's totally different and not really that much fun.
Andrea: You're very competitive, are you a threat?? HELLLOOOOO ANDREA, WAKE UP AND SMELL THE PROBSTING. No, we need a really strong tribe with someone coming back from Resurrection Island.
Phillip: Is it possible to make it to the end if you are truthful?? Hey, Jeff, shut your yap I got these people on the run. "I'm the senior one fells secure".

Someone is about to be blindsided.

Phillip gets one vote and Andrea is sent to Resurrection Island. Hope she's brushed up on her bible stories.

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