Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Survivor Update: And Now the Cannibalism Begins...

Yo! They are flinging people off at a fast clip! Redemption Island is getting crowded. I still say last man (or woman) left on Redemption comes back for the final vote.

So, Steve apologizes to Phillip after tribal. Phil ain't buying it. Rob "as long as Phillip keeps up the stupid antics, he'll be coming with me to the finale". Uhuh. Falling right into Phillip's trap...

Steve, the apologizer, asks "where's numb nuts" referring to Phillip. LOL. Love that expression,. Cue Phillip who is up and about in his pink panties, saying his grandfather came to him in a dream and told him to "look for your shorts near the waterhole". Damn if he doesn't find them! "Don't mess with the undercover specialist." He parades around camp. Steve: "Phillip is a crazy-freaking lunatic". Phillip can't WAIT to wear his swim trunks to the redemption challenge. I'd say, "and rub them in Julie's face" but that is just a nasty thought.

Redemption: Julie slept well. Mike thinks Matt is in a downward spiral since getting sent back to redemption. Matt: "I'm wasting away, I miss my family. God has me here for a reason. Sniff sniff, God has been carrying me....I'm over this game".

Matt, matt, matt. The name of this game is Survivor, not Savior. Let's leave the Lord out of reality TV, shall we??

Ok, so Jeff announces the Duel at;s a duel with 3 people. Um, no. In fact a duel is a fight between 2 people honeybuns. You're cute as hell but really, not that smart. It would be a triul.

Dr. Jeff is all spiritual today. "Matt, where you at? Are you ready to go home?" Matt: I'm at peace. I think I'm ready to go home and do God's work." Don't let the cross hit you on the ass on the way out, dude.
It's a shuffleboard-off. Mike says he's a shuffleboard king, plays on a league at home. LOL. During the shuffleboard-off, Andrea gives him the look. Ya know the, "ok ok I voted you off twice but I'd still do ya" look. Matt ignores her. Ooooh, Snap!

Julie sucks at shuffleboard and, in fact, Mike is quite good at it, However Jesus gives Matt extra powers right when he needs it (wait, did Jesus pick Matt in the pool??) and he comes from behind to win. Julie is gone.

Back at camp, like, Andrea? Like she tooootally like thinks Matt?? Is like, mad at her? And, like, she feels kinda bad about it but, like really, it's just a game".

Rob and Grant chat. OK, Grant is totally flying under the radar and I cannot believe he is still there. He is gonna turn it on in the challenges pretty soon. Anyway, they both think Andrea should go first chance it comes up. But when...

Immunity challenge, and Dimples is in dark blue. Hot. The challenge is a log roll. Winner gets a chocolate cake and milk. Plus, THERE IS ANOTHER TWIST!.

Here's how it goes: 1) Grant beats Rob, 2) Ashley beats Andrea, 3) Ralph beats Steve surprisingly... and 4) Phillip beats Natalie
Round 2 Semi finals: Grant beats Ashely, Ralph beats Phillip. That sasquatch is a pretty good log roller, although that is what they do out there in the kountry on Saturday nights. Trust me on that one...

Finally....... Grant beats Ralph in a very close round. He gets to chose one person to eat cake with him. Chooses Rob. And, pick another one! He chooses Andrea to reel her in. Jeff gives Steve a package to bring to tribal.

Ooooh, what's the twist?? The package feels like a packet of cards...Andrea: "It would be silly to get rid of our own people". LOL. That cake sure worked on her. Sasquatch gives a 5 minute speech, of which I recognized about 3 words. Steve thinks he's going although he thinks Ralph is a bigger threat since he's still trying. He pushes this a little...

Rob talks to the other girls. He tells them it's Ralph first because Steve has given up, then Andrea. Steve tells the girls he and sasquatch are voting for Rob and if the girls join them they could flip the game. Of course they run back and tell Rob this who gets pissed and realizes that in fact Steve might be a bigger threat...has to change his plan perhaps... They are now all thinking there is going to be 2 votes tonight. Hence the multiple vote plans.

Tribal, dark blue darling.

Rob: Is it between Steve or Ralph? Yep
Steve: They're unbreakable, we've tried.
Andrea: Does Steve make a good point? Yes, I feel safe.
Ralph: Odds are you or Steve...Probably me.
Steve: Yep, probably Ralph, I'm lame...
Grant: Dude's not a quitter...
Phillip: Yep, he's not really that feeble...
Steve: Don't trust Rob people. It's now or never...remember Rob was a traitor in Survivor All Stars...
Jeff tells the story of Rob stabbing people in order to help Amber, his GF
Rob: That's hard to deny but, I still have a history with Amber today!
Steve: LET'S DO IT!!!

Vote. No idol played. Ralph is voted off, starts to leave without his torch for redemption.

And now the twist...You will now compete for another immunity and vote someone off immediately.

It's a card matching thing. Jeff does a series of cards and then asks for them back in order.

Rob wins immunity, and Steve is the next person sent to Redemption.

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