Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Survivor Scramble

OK then!  Corrine was voted off last week and I incorrectly indicated that she would be the first member of the jury, which given there was a merge was perfectly expected.  But it appears that she is NOT a jury member which is good news for Stealth R US.

Last week was all monkey pictures and dramatic music.  Not really sure why but hey it's a nice change from the snakes.  Wrap declares Corrine's blindside a "victory", because a FAV went home instead of a FAN.  Um, yea Wrap but that favorite was one of your numbers.  Malcolm declares that they missed cutting off the head of the snake.  Or monkey as the case may have been. 

Phillip is all up in Sherri's ugly grill.  "When I first saw you on the beach I thought you were HOT".  Those boys are gonna learn "treat mamma improperly and you're gonna pay".  Hmmmm.  I'm starting to see why he JUST MIGHT  be a former special agent... He names her tenacity and tells her she has to be loyal and trustworthy.  And since, shit, she doesn't really have any options why not go along?  "Phillip is my new Shamar".  YA GOT THAT RIGHT!!!

Reward challenge: it's like soccer but in the water and with leaps off a pier.  Wanna know what you're playing for?  You get to repel down a waterfall and eat a picnic.  The schoolyard pick ends up with the boyz club on one side with Cochran, and the girls on the other with Phillip and Malcolm.  It's pretty close but the Boyz club wins reward.  Cochran actually scores!!! 

I love Cochran.  Seriously.  He's not really that thrilled with the whole repelling down a waterfall thing.  "I rarely leave my apartment....actually I rarely leave twitter".  But he loves the repelling.  For all I know Cochran is now running the rock climb wall at Chuck E Cheese! 

Picnic time and all the manly men are all doing the whole locker room testosterone thing.  They're trying to tell Cochran that he doesn't want to play with those stinky girls-he should want to hang out with them slapping  butts and sniffing each other's jock straps.  Cochran: "They must really not know me if they think I would prefer masculine tomfoolery with these numbskulls. 

Back at camp, Malcolm sees this as his chance to work his "alliance" with the fans.  He tries working on Sherri and Dawn to join his band of warriors.  He tells Dawn that Sherri just agreed.  Apparently Dawn is totally working Malcolm.  Sherri and Dawn talk to Andrea and they decide Malcolm has to go.  Phillip wants to again split the vote between Eddie and Reynolds. 

And now we have this very strange and I gotta say scripted interlude with Andrea and Mike talking about some "island dating", which has been so far TOTALLY NON EXISTENT.  It's quite bizarre and I can't tell if Andrea really does like this meathead or what.  Eddie tells her he'll always be loyal to her.  She asks if he knows of any idols and he says no.  "I'm indirectly hitting on you".  Frankly I think Eddie is setting himself up for a little Ponderosa shag partner. 

Immunity challenge.  It's the Dick Cheney Waterboarding special.  Survivors hang under a grate as the tide rolls in.  Jeff gets all excited as they all slowly start to struggle and possibly drown.  "You're gonna start to paaaaaanic....."    Anyway, Brenda wins immunity.  Frankly I think she just had the skinniest face that fit between the bars. 

Annnnnnnd let the scrambling begin.  Malcolm "I  need the FAVS to think I am with them".  Why on earth would they still think that??  Andrea and Dawn tell him it's Eddie.  Dawn is totally working Malcolm, who tells her it's Andrea and Sherri is with him.  She acts all freaked out and he tells her Reynolds has an idol.  She even gets Wrap to show her the idol.  Of course he also threatens her that there will be hell to pay if she screws him.  Which just pissed Dawn off more. 

Eddie runs off to talk to his sudden girlfriend Andrea.  He asks "are you splitting the votes"?  She won't commit but keeps saying "it's not you".  "But if wrap plays an idol, I could go home".  Wait a minute sugar, you told me you didn't know about any idols??  "It could be you Andrea..."

And then Andrea freaks out.  Instead of blindsiding Malcolm she wants to go with the safe-aka no idol- vote Mike, who we thankfully don't have to hear referred to as "the gay" anymore.  Cochran and basically everyone else think she's making a huge mistake.  It's a safe vote.  Dawn is freaking out.  "All of my good work today has gone down the drain". 

Mike, was last week a glimmer of hope?  Yes, a FAV went home.
Phillip: FAVS have a strategy called Stealth R US.  Sherri is our newest double agent.  Blah blah blah.
Sherri: well you all did vote for me.  Paybacks are a bitch.
Eddie" At least I'm not a puppet.
Wrap: an idol could totally change the game tonight.
Phillip: If we know you have an idol, you will go home. 
Andrea: Yes, there are too many FAVS, and at some point someone is gonna flip and make a move to move up on the totem pole.
Phillip: This is not the right time.  You'll get flushed out.  Goodbye.

Anyone have an idol?  Wrap stands up but Malcolm stops him.  Give me the idol, I'm the target, that's what Phillip's speech was all about.  He gives it to him. 

Andrea 3 votes
Reynolds 1 vote from Malcolm?
Mike- 6 votes and you need to bring me your torch.

Wrap just looks totally confused. 

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