Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So it's been a week and Phillip is still trying to convince people that he threw the last challenge to get rid of another FAN.  Could be, but neither Dawn or Corrine believe him.  You could actually see Corrine biting her cheek to keep from laughing at him.

Phillip is also warning everyone that upon the merge, they can't have any 1 on 1 conversations with any of the FAVS. 

Dawn is all teary eyed, because this is when she got hung out to dry last time around and she has 6 kids and needs the money.  Honey, enjoy this vacation from those 6 kids. 

Bam.  Merge.  And let's all pretend we like each other, because there is food and wine!  And green buffs and a new tribe Enil Edam which does not mean "new beginnings" but which is named after Malcolm's mom backwards. 

Phillip is in overdrive.  Gives Andrea a bit and I imagine smelly hug, discusses how they are really the tight 4 within their 6  within the whole 12.  "Pretend you are Boston Rob".  Dude, if I were Rob I'd be constantly checking for identity theft.  The fans have to go first....but"in scrambles, anything can  happen". 

Corrine runs to Malcolm and they do the manic 5 minute catch up. Phillip was so MEAN to me.  "I have 4 votes".  "I have 2 votes".  So, together we have how many class?  6 votes, which is only enough for a tie.  Corrine wants to get rid of Sherri first, and Malcolm agrees because she is weird.  She also has either permanent false eyelashes or badly dyed and tattooed eyelids.  Corrine "I've never been involved in a blindside..."

Annnnnd, it's an eating challenge.  UGH.  I hate these and spent the next 10 minutes with a blanket over my head.  Eddie is afraid eating something gross will harm his chances later with the ladies, yet Cochran thinks it's gonna help him get a little more danger swagger. 

Ist challenge is beetle larva and it is moving.  Andrea, Malcolm and Eddie finish first. The next  people get the same thing and Cochran, Phillip and Mike move ahead.  Strangely, that weird Erik keeps eating on his larva long after the challenge is over. 

Next up it's ship worms, a member of the clam family but nasty.  "The termites of the sea".  Mmmmmm.  Moving ahead are Malcolm, Eddie and Cochran.  Cochran is like a machine in this challenge.

These 3 eat the coveted duck embryos which brings us to a "David and Goliath" finale of Cochran and Malcolm.  They get to chow on pig brain and it's a close one but COCHRAN WINS IMMUNITY!!!  He dances around and says "Jeff is gonna touch my shoulders". 

Phillip wants to split the vote between Eddie and Reynolds wrap.  Corrine of course doesn't want to do that and wants to take out Sheri.  No.  Phillip wants to take out a big fish.  Corrine is pissed off because he never listens to her.  "That sealed my vote".  Cochran wonders why she is so adamant about keeping Eddie and Wrap.  Hmmmmm.  He believes that the FAVS have to stick together and get rid of all the FANS or they will risk showing a hole in the alliance that could be exploited. 

Corrine is just mad.  She wants to bring in someone else to make 7.  She talks to Dawn about her 6 person alliance, and Dawn thinks, "here we go again...".  This time she talks to Cochran and tells him what's up.  So THAT'S
why she wanted Sherrie!  Dammit, she's been working us this whole time! 

Cochran talks to Andrea. They're up for a blindside-we need flaky Erik.  Andrea tells Phillip, and he's pissed that Corrine thinks she could get rid of the specialist.  Phillip talks to Sherri, who's in but can't stand Phillip.

Cochran cannot believe their fate is left to Ice Cream Scooper Erik.

Mike: yes, Jeff, it is fair to assume it's a fan.
Corrine: yep, their helpless although I'm always open to suggestions...
Dawn: It's time people realize that not all 12 can be in the final 3
Cochran: yes, I've heard Corrine is open...
Reynolds: now would be the time for a FAN to make a move...
Erik: There is always someone on the bottom of an alliance that gets desperate
Corrine "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face".  OH WOULDN'T THAT BE NICE CORRINE!!
Sherri: Nope, fans don't have a shot.
Wrap: There's a going on under the surface Jeff and it's gonna pop soon!  There are some shockers on the way!  INDEED!!!

Time to vote.
Corrine: "Sorry Sherri but I wasn't taking applications for a new best friend..."

Annnnnnnd....the next person voted off and the first member of the jury is....CORRINE.  DING DONG. 

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