Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Survivor: It's a Math Problem, Stupid

If X=11, then 1/2X+1> 1/2X. 

It's basic MATH people. 

Welcome to this week's AMAZING Survivor Update.  I personally am still scratching my head about whether Kass is a total idiot or not. 

As the episode starts, we are again, as we have been since day 1, ALL OBSESSED WITH THE MERGE.  It's all merge, all the time.  Will there be a merge?  Is it better to go into a merge with 6 people of 5 VERY TIGHT PEOPLE??  Will there be a basket of food AND WINE?? 

Spencer is all TOP 6 BABY!!!  We're in CONTROL of the game!  Let's all decide who our first 2 picks to go from the other tribe are RIGHT NOW!  Kass: If we stay strong we can win!!  It sounds so simple!!"  Yes, Kass, it sounds so simple because I am almost convinced that was on the script you were given last night when the cameras were off and the chinese take out arrived, 

And just like that, it starts to fall apart.  Kass and Sarah are strolling on the beach.  Kass tells Sarah she's worried about her and Jeremiah flipping.  Which apparently is totally an irrational thought since they weren't original parts of the brains tribe. Sarah gets all pissed off.  The demise of our tribe is gonna be in not trusting each other.  They shake. 

(Question, has it rained more than one day this season???)

Kass feels like Sarah hasn't really proven herself with one easy vote.  "Show me the blood on your hands from a former teammate and I'll believe her". 

Tony is bored because there's no drama to stir up.  Hang on Tony.  It's merge time.  Pack up and head over to the other beach.  Cue about 10 minutes of discussing 6/5, 5/6, 6/5.......We gotta be strong MAN, I love you all MAN. 

Along with the food comes a note indicating there is a new idol, with SPECIAL POWERS.  Tony says he's gonna relentlessly search for it but apparently he either doesn't or has no success.  They decide the new black buffed tribe will be known as Solarrion, which I believe was the name of the linoleum we put in the kitchen in my old house. 

Tony decides that Sarah is his hope.  And he begins manic phase Tony.  Seriously, this guy carries a loaded weapon every day??  After the daily Trish pilates class, they discuss "who is the head of the snake??"  Woo tells Tony he has to smooth things over with Sarah.  Tony's version of smoothing things over is more like "Stop and Frisk". "We'd have 6, it's a no brainer, you'd be #3 (I thought she was #2 already??), SWEAR ON YOUR BADGE.  It's Spencer of Kass.......

Sarah: It's 5-me-5.  A Sarah sandwich.  I WILL DECIDE THE FATE OF THE GAME .  Seriously, Mark Burnette you need to get some new lines.  Sarah, Jeremiah and Kass talk.  Sarah assures everyone LJ does not have an idol.  Jeremiah points out that he doesn't have it so it could very well be LJs.  Sarah wants LJ or Woo voted out.  Kass says, if Woo wins immunity it has to be Trish.  Sarah is a TOTAL NO FREAKING WAY on this idea.  And don't piss me off because I CONTROL THE DESTINY OF THIS GAME.  She accuses Kass of bullying. 

Kass doesn't trust Sarah.  Thinks she's in a 1 person alliance not a 6 person alliance.  Who made her queen?? 

Trish overhears Kass and Sarah having a cat fight.  Her horse head rears up at that. 

Kass, Sarah and Tasha go off to talk.  Tasha tries to calm Sarah down and keep her in line.  Sarah tells them again that she controls everyone's fate, to which they reply, "no you control your own fate only". 

Immunity Challenge.  It's that stand on a triangular platform in the water thing.  Every 15 minutes they have to change positions.  Basically everyone but Woo and Tony fall on the last transition.  A strong breeze blows fat Tony off his perch and Woo wins immunity. 

Sarah is still running around yelling ME ME ME ME ME, I GET TO DECIDE!!!!! 

Spencer wants Jefra.  Sarah again insists no one has an idol.  She wants Tony of LJ.  Kass thinks that if Sarah is about to destroy the game, she should do it first. 

Trish and Tony talk.  They decide Sarah is in charge.  She tells Tony he shouldn't trust her.  Trish wants to talk to Kass.  Tony wants one more chance to beat some sense into Sarah.  He starts beating her up again, all panicky and manicky.  Totally hard sell.  YOU GOT NOBODY ON YOUR SIDE.  SWEAR ON YOUR BADGE.  DO YOU LOVE ME, WILL YOU LOVE ME FOREVER, WILL YOU NEVER LEAVE ME, WILL YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.....I GOTTA KNOW RIGHT NOW.....  LET ME SLEEP ON IT, BABY BABY, LET ME SLEEP ON IT......

Trish gallops over to Kass.  Kass tells her she's been replaced.  Trish feels her out on switching....asks her who she would vote for?  Kass says Sarah and WHAT A FREAKING COINCIDENCE, because that's who we are all voting for.  Oh, and would you happen to have any hay on you?? Kass thinks "maybe they're smarter than I think..."

LJ: Yes, I am on the hot seat.
Tasha: The biggest threats need to go
Tony: Yes, there are different groups but I still think it's more important to align with who you are comfortable with not just the #s.  I'm worried tonight.
Kass: If I were LJ or Tony I would be worried.
LJ:  No idea if there are idols.  None have appeared yet...maybe it's a Survivor myth.
Tony.  I have one.  I'm gonna use it for my tribe.  He pulls it out and puts it on.  BIG MOVE TONIGHT JEFF. 
Spencer and Tasha start telling everyone "It's the other one.. vote for the other one..."

Jeff:  Hell, since I've totally lost control, let's just vote.

Yes Tony, that is a legitimate idol. 
I'd like to give it to LJ.  And they're all smug!
LJ:  I'd like to do one better and give Tony MY idol!
Whaaaaaat???  LOL.

Jeff starts reading the votes, and the "other one" was in fact Jefra.  Who is all freaking out.  Smug faces are dropping.  Vote for for for for Sarah......And the first person on the jury is.......SARAH. 

Whaaaaaa???  Who flipped??  Everyone thanks KASS for flipping. 


We shall see!!

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