Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Survivor: No Time for Beach Yoga

Welcome to this week's Survivor update!  And, in case you were looking, there was no update last week.  I felt like, in the end, there was enough cyber ink spilled over the Jeff Varner expose and I couldn't add anything more to it other than more outrage.

As Zeke himself says this week, "let's just get back into the game".  Which is not to say that the whole trans-outing isn't now going to be a giant elephant sitting in the middle of the game this season as of now, people seem to be defensive and supportive of Zeke.  We'll see how long that lasts!

Bang, it's a challenge OR IS IT??  There's a table of food and everyone is all antsy that IT'S THE MERGE!!!  Jeff has to ask everyone, "how important is food???"  Yea, about as important as sex at the Pottstown Motel 6 is to you, Jeff.  They're all like kids when you walk in the door after work and are all up in your face with I'M STAAAAAARRRRRRVVVVVVIIIIINNNNNGGGGG.  

Jeff gets to play with the catnip a bit more because there's one final tribal decision they have to make first.  One member of each tribe has to VOLUNTEER to not eat or everyone gets a Ritz cracker and a piece of cheese.  Which, lemme point out there are starving children in Africa that would kill for that high society party snack.  Brad is the first to volunteer.  Zeke, who did not volunteer, says it's because he didn't look great last time he played, and showing off is the Colpepper brand.  Tai, of course, also volunteers because Tai is honest and pure and lives on the farts of unicorns in real life.  

And they merge into Maku Maku.  Cirie, who also did not volunteer to not eat, thinks Tai and Brad are just doing it for brownie points.  Cirie also predicts that "thinks are gonna start happening".  

Tai and Brad sit on a log and bond, while everyone else eats and drinks.  Debbie pretends to be drunk. She also, while not pretending to be drunk. apologizes to him.  Zeke tells the Varner story about being outed as trans and everyone appears to be upset for him all over again.  

The bro's meet (Troy, Oz and Brad) and hammer out their alliance and their desire to get rid of Hali or Michaela.  And then literally everyone runs around telling each other it's Michaela.  Sierra keeps getting mad because Michaela keeps turning up while she's being talked about.  Sierra thinks she has no tact.  LOL!!  Like she should have a fucking bell around her neck or walk up yelling yooooowoooooo, I'm nearby!  Michaela asks Zeke what he told people about her and he says, "you're good at challenges".  

Zeke, Cirie and Andrea have an alliance and decide they need Michaela.  "We have to be first to strike because this is the last day people are going to pretend to get along".  

Hali, who is kinda strange and doesn't really join in the reindeer games, wants to work with Micheala.  She tells Micheala that she's heard her name at least once.  Micheala gets pissed off but fortunately talks to momma Cirie for some guidance.  Cirie tells her basically to not act like an angry black woman.  Says she used to be like Michaela but has learned to control her emotions can chillout.  Cirie decides to nurture Michaela a bit to get her on her side.  

Immunity Challenge.  Oooh, a new necklace.  They have to stand on their toes with a block wedged between their heads and the stand.  Andrea wins immunity.  

Sierra declares she is now in charge.  Decides Hali is playing way too confident and wonders if she has an idol.  Let's split the vote between Hali and Michaela.  They decide to tell everyone else it's Zeke.  When they tell Michaela she says, "I'm feeling like my name is being written down".  

Cirie doesn't like the decision.  Why not just go with Hali?  She wonders where that leaves them since they need Michaela.  

Zeke asks Sierra, laying in her hammock, why Michaela?  Sierra says something about her coming back and causing havoc.  Sierra asks what Zeke's problem is, says there's a new sherrif in town.  

Cirie tells Micheala to stay with voting for Zeke.  

Cirie gets to light her torch and Jeff gets to do his song and dance about fire being your life and I'm like STOP ALREADY!!!

Zeke says it's insanity because there are too many people to watch
Andrea says the lines are being drawn and that this vote sets the tone
Debbie says there is no shock coming tonight.  
Hali goes on this lovely scenario about being in the dark with people with rifles and she and a few others are blindfolded waiting to be shot.  It's like, ooooookay you crazy bitch!
Michaela says she is worried because no one has talked to her.  She says people need to look at who has the control and what's guiding their votes.
Tai says people are looking 2-3 votes down the road. 
Ozzy says his criteria are who is risky and who might have an idol

Jeff asks what roles idols play at tribal.  Literally chapter one from SURVIVOR FOR DUMMIES
Debbie says she loves tribal, it's like the Coliseum, and it's always time to flush out an idol.
Cirie says something about the person who everyone thinks might have an idol might not know they are accused of having an idol.
Hali says anyone who wants to ask can come and shake her down and look through her stuff.  She's not volunteering or anything but if anyone asks they can strip search her.  I'm guessing after the whole terrorist fantasy she just explained, no one is really into the strip search.
Andrea says it's a good strategy to volunteer info like that
Hali then goes zen and asks, are the blindfolded people really the targets?  Ooooh.  Maybe we are all just wandering in dark rooms full of snipers in life, Hali.  

Time to vote.  Zeke 2, Michaela 4 and Hali 6.  

Shit, and then there was another episode!  I hate these double week write ups!!

This is clearly not a season of doing yoga on the beach!  

Next morning Micheala says she slept very well last night.  Cirie tells her no one can know that she has anything to do with orchestrating the vote to be more Hali's than Michaela's.  

Cirie tells Zeke that she has her own ideas about how the game should go.  Zeke says that Sierra is like the Godfather, and Brad is under her controlling Troy.  Zeke thinks that everyone would be on board with disrupting the Sierra-Brad show.  Aubry feels like she's in the middle of a giant italian family brawl, but she's currently find with team Cirie.  

Zeke and Andrea lay in the hammock of power and discuss getting rid of Brad and Sierra.  She tells Zeke, WE CANNOT TELL DEBBIE AND TAI ABOUT IT.  And, bing, Debbie comes up.  

Zeke starts thinking things aren't adding up because he's getting all of his info and instructions from Andrea or Cirie.  He decides that Brad and Sierra are less of a threat than Andrea and Cirie.  Why wait to get rid of them?  

Challenge:  2 teams: swim to a net with wooden fish, untie, swim back, hook fish on a pole, carry fish, do puzzle. Wanna know??  It's a day of luxury at the Marshall's lounge.  

It's Sierra, Brad. Aubry, Michaela, Cirie and Sarah against Tai, Oz, Troy, Debbie, Zeke and Andrea.  Tai and Andrea forget a few fish and have to go back, but in the end they all win the reward.  

At camp, Cirie is very upset.  She tells Sierra that it takes her back to a time when she has 4 children and was unable to provide food for them.  This game takes you to the worst places mentally.  

OMFG, who knew Marshall's Lounge was sponsored by Marshalls??  I totally want to know if the towels matched or if they were all from different manufacturers and different die lots.  Tai decides to streak like he did in the 70s with his ex wife.  The kids are all like, what's streaking??

Zeke can't let it rest and enjoy himself so he pulls Debbie and Tai aside and says he is amassing his own army and thinks Cirie and Andrea are big threats.  Debbie doesn't trust him and is skeptical of why he is saying this to them.  

Immunity challenge:  Hug-a-Pole.  Apparently Ozzy has won this twice in his life.  It comes down to Ozzy and Tai, and grasshopper Tai out Zen's Ozzy to win immunity.  

Zeke is happy that Andrea doesn't win immunity, and he tells Sierra that Cirie and Andrea are gunning for her.  She says, "I thought you and Andrea were close".  She doesn't trust him either.  

Sierra confronts Cirie and tells her Zeke told me you wanted to vote for me.  Cirie tells Andrea and Ozzy that Sierra told her that Zeke says they want to vote for her.  Now Sarah, Andrea and Cirie are mad at Zeke.

Debbie and Sierra lay in the hammock of power and discuss.  Debbie says she would be good with Ozzy.  Sierra agrees but says it's like herding cats.  Debbie tells Troy who is thrilled.  Debbie runs around telling everyone that it's Ozzy.  Sarah feels like it's a tough decision because there are 2 competing groups, one wants Ozzy and one wants Zeke gone.  

Ozzy says that the stakes are even higher this time as everyone is playing cut throat.
Sarah says there are no real relationships, that "we're all a bunch of singles people waiting to hook up"
Tai says immunity still matters and that it was either he or Ozzy and he wanted to win.
Ozzy says he talks and trust people, and also he is the one who feeds everyone.
Aubry says that the game is much harder this time around and she's glad Ozzy brings in the protein
Zeke says something about people asking "can I beat them or can they beat me and then making them THINK they can beat you"
Tai is as always amazed when someone puts strategy into words like that.
Zeke says it's OK that Tai thinks he's terrific 
Debbie goes on about it's who you put on the jury and then some air force crap about working together but on Survivor the people you are working with all have knives out.

Vote-Jeff, wait, I want to use this extra vote THAT I GAVE UP THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE ON EXILE for.

Andrea 1
Sierra 1
Zeke 4
Ozzie gets blindsided with 5 votes and leaves saying, "good luck eating!"  

Jeff says, a punch was just thrown.  

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