Monday, March 12, 2018

Hello, and welcome to this week's Survivor update!  We begin after Jacob is sent packing his hairy nerdy self home.  James is still blaming himself and taking the Korean way of ownership for his failures.  

And we start right off with C'MON IN GUYS!!!!  Donathan returns from Ghost Island and Libby still thinks they have the best tribe ever!  Which means it's time to DROP YOUR BUFFS!!  Basically, all of those blond girls who I can't figure out who they are, are now on different tribes where I still can't figure out who is who.  

It's a pretty even split.  9 on each tribe, and each gets 4 from Orange and 5 from Purple.  

New Orange


New Purple


Over on Orange, the former Purple tribe members can't stop mentioning what a hellhole the camp is.  Brendan apologizes that they just threw stuff together.  Dude, you are in the freakin jungle.  I don't even apologize for my shit hovel and lack of cleaning when people drop in.  One of the blondes says it's like when your friends have a really ugly baby and no one wants to say, "YOUR BABY IS UGLY".  Brendan starts getting annoyed, especially at Bradley. 

On Purple Donathan is FLOORED at the camp 'cause he ain't even seen a double wide this nice.  2 fire pits AND a great view!!  Seriously I think he just made a deposit on the "house".  

Chris jumps right out into asshole mode, realizing that although they have the numbers, he doesn't trust 3/5 people from his old tribe.  He jumps all over Angela telling her she has to STEP UP HER GAME and he tells her that Dom has an idol.  Angela doesn't like how he is ordering her around, and she's in the military and USED to being ordered around.  

Chris tells James and Libby about the idol and says Dom is your typical New Yorker who can't be trusted and needs to go.  Libby says she'll play dumb around him but she won't play dumb.  

Sunrise on Orange.  And the bitching continues.  Bradley is bitching about how cold and dirty it is.  Stephanie is smart enough to know she has to sniff out a crack and re-align herself with the other people.  At the well, Kellyn basically tells them they are screwed, so Jenna and Steph run off to find an idol.  Soon all of the orange tribe is looking for the idol and Michael finds it.  It's James' old tile idol, which is not easily hidden in one's pants.  Blah blah blah James went home with 2 idols in his pocket blah blah blah.  CAN YOU REVERSE THE CURSE???

On Purple, Morgan and Dom talk.  Dom thinks Chris and and Angela going to turn and they have to rope in the 4 orange players.  Morgan and Libby bond over their Catholic-ness, tells Libby not to worry.  

Immunity Challenge

Run over ramp walls (which makes my poor ankle hurt)
Dig up a big ladder in a sandpit
Use the ladder to untie a rope
Use the rope to climb a wall

Wanna know?  A tarp.  

Right off the bat my LOSER massive Korean athlete James can't do the ramp run and has to join the ladies in a second attempt.  The purple tribe ends up at the puzzle first and Wendell and Laurel start doing the puzzle.  And then Kellyn and Bradley smoke them and win Immunity for the orange tribe.  They get to decide on who to send to Ghost Island-it has to be unanimous or rocks are drawn.  Donathan is suggested but someone dissents and rocks are drawn.  Chris goes to GI and can't GOD DAMN IT be voted out.  Dom says that that SOB is lucky.  Morgan is FREAKING OUT because it's now a 4-4 split.

Tough man Chris is spooked on Ghost Island.  He's missing tribal and playing his BIG ROLE.  He smashes the urn and gets NOPE, NOT TODAY.  He's also scared and homesick and cryin' like the freakin BABY lil Donathan never was.  He tries to cover with a story about his mom having MS for years and I'm like DUDE, SAVE IT FOR THE FINALE.  

Back to purple, it's a scramble. Angela believes that her teammates are going to follow Chris' plan to vote out Domenick but she decides she doesn't want to vote out one of her original tribe mates, instead believes in loyalty,  She'd rather have a tie and do rocks.  Wendell checks in with her to see what she wants to do and she tells him she'd rather go to rocks than vote for Dom.  Wendell isn't interested in going to rocks.  Wendell suggests Libby but is uncomfortable about Angela's devotion to Chris.  

Wendell talks to Morgan who says she can bring Libby along.  Morgan says she trusts Libby way more than she trusts Angela.  He tells Laurel, LIbby and James.

Dom goes on a campaign to save his ass  and begins by showing Libby, James and Desiree his fake idol, only this time he has replaced the real note with a tree mail note.  He tells everyone Chris has been gunning for him since day 1 and tells them this is the FAKE NEWS idol that Chris has been telling people about.  He swears on his kids life he is with them.  

James doesn't buy it-especially the swearing on his kids thing.  Dom wants them to vote Angela, which they think means he is voting for Angela, which means if they use all 4 of their votes they control who goes home (because Angela can't vote for herself and it freaking took me waaaaay to long to do that math).  James thinks Dom is the second coming of Russell Hantz.  James suggests Wendell or Morgan and Laurel wants to keep Wendell for strength.  Libby argues because of her catholic bond with Morgan and because you can't vote your catholic buddy off during lent.  Libby thinks it frankly would be easier to go for Angela.  

Morgan say each 4 is solid.
Wendell says yep, Purple has been in the kitchen all day talking, and Orange has been in the den,  Some one needs to crack.
Dom says he slipped out of the kitchen because he doesn't want a 4-4 split
Angela says she also talked to other people.  Says she's torn between the popular vs the right decision for her.  Says she felt pressured.
Dom asks her who pressured her?? He is uncomfortable with her response
Angela says Chris pressured her, to which Morgan says Chris isn't here
Dom says he is all for new relationships and interested in listening to other positions
James says it isn't all the beautiful picture being presented. He says the 4 might not be strong
Morgan says actually we could all be lying
Jeff asks Libby if lying is OK and she basically says how funny you asked the nice girl about lying!  She's OK with lying-it's the game
Morgan says even though she is sweet and innocent, everyone lies
Wendell hopes someone busts a move and at the end of the day we need to come together and work together.

Vote.  Any idol?  Nope

Libby 1
Angela 3
And Morgan goes home with 4.  

Someone busted a more!

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