Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Survivor is Getting Good!

Is it me or is this season finally getting better?  I feel like it is and I'm finally getting to know all of the contestants, such as Aurora who had a bit of visibility last week to the point that Wil asked me "was that girl on the whole season??"  Aurora apparently was thought to be Joe's girl and no one told her that he was getting voted off the prior tribal-something that I believe will stick in her craw for the rest of the season and you will hear that brought up again and again.  She's pissed, especially at Ron, and now claims she has no allegiance.  

Ron is really a dick.  He came onto Survivor with an image of being this hero-he has a book on his do good school and he's been blessed by the hand of Oprah but as we see again and again even the holy are just in it for their own glory.  David and Rick give him the bro hug and Ron points out that their tribe all voted for them-"they owe me".  Ron is very big on being owed.  

Wardog. Kelley and Lauren all find themselves on the bottom now.  They realize that Ron et al divided them and made them even weaker.  "We could make up with David and Rick and bring in Aurora".  They boast that they're totally willing to go to rocks which is funny since their odds actually IMPROVE with a random draw.  

We then get to see our 5 minutes of Extinction which HEY JEFF AND MARK BURNETT- Extinction should have an online show of their own ala Ponderosa.  Would be interesting to see what happens there and how it might impact the game.  Especially should they ever repeat it and people integrate it into the strategy, and I expect it to become the new norm given 1) how Jeff has already proclaimed it EPIC and 2) it gives the attention whores who go on Survivor the potential to be voted off and STILL become a youtube sensation after the show.  

We get to see Joe crying the blues AND HAVING A GREAT HAIR DAY.  "This has to be where I am meant to be".  They make it seem like he is all alone on Extinction and I'm all confused as to where everyone else went.  

Reward Challenge:  There's an obstacle course, a get puzzle pieces part, and a vertical puzzle with planks you have to slide in.  Teams are divided into 2:  Blue (Eric, Wardog, Aurora, Rick, Victoria and Julia) vs Yellow (Gavin, Kelley, Lauren, Julie, David and Ron).  Wanna know?  Chinese takeout. 

It's pretty uneven frankly and Jeff spends half of his time yelling at the yellow tribe unhelpful crap like 'EVERY SECOND YOU LOSE COULD BE THE SECOND YOU NEED".  

It's completely uneven and an easy win for the blue team, not the least of which is because they did not grease the  wooden planks for yellow team like they obviously did for the blue.  Ron is happy because he "wants Kelley and Lauren to be isolated and hungry because I am the puppet master".  

On the reward Rick, who in annoying Jeff fashion has been renamed 'Devins"  declares " I love you guys".  

Lauren is still hungry and they joke about what they would do if one of the chickens walked by.  Kelley apologizes to David for their votes.  "We're going after each other and we need to come together with you guys and bring in Aurora".  She points out to him that it has now become the Eric and Ron show.  David is intrigued enough to wonder if Aurora would go along with them and Kelley says that she's seen her crying to Ron about the Joe vote.  Kelley points out they would still be in a tie situation UNLESS David and Rick pretend they are still part of the Kama group and make them feel their numbers were so overwhelming that they had space to split their votes for fear of an idol.  

Ron jerks Wardog's chain- "I am dying to get back to working with you guys.  NOT.  Why would I want to work with you guys?"  Wardog tries to argue and Ron is all DON'T WARDOG ME. 

David talks to Rick and Rick is a lost cause to the dark side.  Rick tells David that going back to the old alliance makes him a puppet.  David tells Rick that he is getting played. David points out that they have the joint idol, and Rick says " I was hoping you would give that back to me..."  

Aaaand another 3 minutes on Extinction.  They all get wine bottles-I know right??  But unfortunately these are just the empty ones laying around Jeff's timeshare with riddles Jeff writes when drunk in them.  " Your path has been rocky but your game is still at stake.  Take a step back and assess, an advantage awaits".  Aubry says you never read a clue without your sneakers on and bang, everyone is off running looking for the advantage.  They're all following each other up to the steps and looking for a stake (with Reem standing back too old to look WHICH IS EFFING PISSING ME OFF. C'MON FAT ASS REPRESENT OLDER WOMEN BETTER!)  

Aubry takes a different path- a path with rocks on it that leads out towards the sea.  She turns around and sees a little cave and inside is a key and a note " Follow the rocks to the sand...your practice begins".  She she gets a practice course and an extra vote to give someone.  

Challenge:  It's a balance one.  Stand on your toes keeping a block against the top of the frame.  People are dropping off, and this challenge is made for hobag women who wear high heals obviously because 25 minutes later we are down to Victoria, Aurora and Lauren.  With the magic of camera angles we see Lauren saying she is getting dizzy and everything is black from head on and then from the side we see her pass out with no camera in front of her.  Hmmmmm.  In comes the aussie medical team while the challenge continues.  "Lemme know if she's dying and whether I should stop this challenge".  Aurora tries to bargain with Victoria to let her win since she feels insecure due to no one telling her about the Joe vote (didn't I tell you this was gonna keep coming up?).  Lauren finally wakes up and says "god I had such a nightmare about being on Survivor...."  Aurora points out that people are shouting "Go Vic" but no one is rooting for her.  Victoria eventually drops and Aurora wins immunity.  

Back at camp Aurora says "hmmm there is a PARCHMENT in my bag".  Who the hell uses the term 'parchment'???  It's the extra vote from Aubry who apparently realizes that Aurora is primed to flip.  

Ron and Eric are being dicks, "using the loved ones as a cudgel" to get people to keep voting with them in order to stay in the game until the loved ones visit.  Which is another reason I hate the predictability of Survivor.  Eric says that since they now have David and Rick in their pockets they can split the votes to get someone from Lesu out.  

David talks with Kelley.  Kelley says that "they want us all out.  They have a big block voting against us but she tells him that she and Lauren have idols".  

Wardog tries to work on Julia.  He says that you have to find the cracks in that group.  He believes that they can work on the younger ones (ie Gavin and Julia) and convince them that they "need soldiers for their war" against the machine that is Ron and Eric.  Julia realizes that Wardog might be right.  She is afraid that Ron and Eric might use David and Rick to flip on Gavin, Julia and Victoria.  She decides to test her theory by lobbying Ron to get rid of David next. Ron shoots that down leading Julia to think maybe Wardog is right.  She's wondering if now is the time for she, Gavin and Victoria to flip??  Julia talks to Victoria about it all but Victoria thinks it is too soon to flip.  She thinks they need to get another Lesu off first before they blow up the game.  

Tribal, with the "members of the jury"

Eric is all "KAMA DOMINANCE"  and says that tonight's decision is a group one.  He says the Lesu tagalongs come in "packages" and you deal with them that way.  Wardog says that some of the packages got into their group.....
Rick says he has no allegiance to the Lesu's and that he's fully on the KAMA train.
David points out that he's just a passenger on that train.
Eric says "David is saying some of you are at the bottom" and then he goes on to the loved ones visit bullshit.  
Wardog points out that by the time loved ones roll around the former Lesu's will have been removed anyway.  
David points out that some of the skaters are gonna find themselves with the dreaded BLANK RESUME.  
Julia says that the decision is more about WHEN to make a move not WHETHER.  
Ron, the menace that he is, says "I wouldn't want to vote against Kama and be on the bottom". 
Aurora points out that there is a lot of strong talk but the problem isn't necessarily with Kama dominance but that Lesu has allowed themselves to fall to pieces.  

Time to vote..... any idols?  NOPE.  

Kelley 2
Lauren 2
And ERIC IS VOTED OFF WITH OVER 6 VOTES.  LOL!!!  Rick and Ron's faces were priceless!!!  

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