Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Survivor Buddy System?

Welcome to Survivor: Home Edition.  Hope you are all doing well and staying safe.  I am about 3 days from handing out buffs to my husband and I and having competitions to see who is immune from elimination.  I think I have him beat on the "switch from the tv to the dvd input and play a disc" challenge.  

So, seriously was last week's episode delicious or what????  

Nick is all happy because they got rid of Tyson AND he got a fire token.  With Tyson just on exile, Nick now thinks they might get back together, bond and play nice in the sandbox.  Yea, when YOUR ASS is also on exile that might happen dude.  

Yul gives a public service announcement that Jonathan Penner's wife has ALS and is has lost use of her muscles.  It's really sad and Jesus I worry about people like this with the virus. He tells Sarah who thinks it's very sad.  Yul says he needs financial aid and he's playing for something bigger than himself, gives an ALS awareness speech and later the show has a link to help the family.  It was very touching and, lets be real, very staged.  Sarah says he's a good person.  

And now DROP YOUR BUFFS time.  Just once I want one of these skinny bitches to be strutting around wearing the tiny buff around their tits as a tube top to get caught and have to drop it.  Jeff points out that Tyson has also been voted off and BR is like OMGAWD.  Yea, that's gonna be an expensive poker game dude.  BR says he doesn't like the tribe switching part of the new game.  

We are now in 3 tribes:

Red: Jeremy and Denise, and Sandra, Kim and Tony (Sandra likes this as a time to get people out)
Blue: MIchelle, Wendell (who apparently dated), Yul, Parv and Nick
Green: Rob, Ben, Adam, Sarah and Sophie

I think they are almost all 2/3 split teams.  

Adam is not thrilled to be with Rob and Ben since all 3 have basically stabbed each other in the back.  
On the new Red beach everyone is amazed at the campsite Wendell build.  Jeremy tells Denise they are the Jeffersons "movin on up".  He immediately goes about figuring out who is on the outs.  Kim is pretty eager to talk with him.  He asks her if the swap is a good thing and she ways :maybe" but that she has to be careful. Kim and Denise tell each other they'd love to work together.  

Tony tells Sandra that they with Kim are like Lions to be taken out by Hyenas.  Says that they have to be careful and that Kim is in the middle.  Says if they are loyal they are in good shape but Kim's not sure that's the best option.  

On blue Wendell is a bit taken aback at how shitty their shelter is.  He says he has work to do!  Nick is happy since Yul and Wendell were his pals before.  Parv is trying to find a way in with them and is excited to hear that Yul's wife loves her.  

Nick confesses to Parv that she was his HS crush and she's like that was awkward.  And probably involved far too many Kleenexes.  

Michelle and Wendell apparently dated and it did not end well.  Parv asks him what his story is and he says he makes furniture and moves slowly.  

Michelle and Wendell have an incredibly uncomfortable conversation where you think she is literally waiting still for an apology that ain't coming.  He's all, what?  We kicked it and had fun. Yea, I don't think that's the way she remember it bro.  

On green, they have nothing.  Ben says the boyz should all be sitting pretty as the 3/2 split favors them but there's a lot of bad blood.  Rob asks if Amber was unanimously voted out and they tell him yes and that Tyson put her name out there.  Rob asks if anyone had any idols? and Sarah and Sophie both say nope.  They ask if Ethan was a unanimous vote and Ben tells them that it came down to Adam or Ethan.  

Sarah tells Sophie that you can feel the tension and wonders if either of them are free agents.  She talks to Ben and Sophie talks to Adam.  Each one tells a different story about what is going down.  Sophie says that there are cracks up the waz with these 3.  

Everyone decides there must be a new idol.  They divide boys and girls and go looking.  BR also hates this part of Survivor and has no idea where to even look.  He says he's not usually in this spot without answers.  

Sophie finds the idol and shoves it into her crotch.  EVERYONE EMPTY THEIR POCKETS.  She keeps it hidden and then reads that it's the 2 part idol.  She tells Sarah and gives her the other half.  Sarah already told her about her save a vote idol, so they are kinda maybe bonding.  

Challenge:  Obstacle, throw sandbags at blocks stacked up on a ledge, puzzle.

Blue and red win immunity, green goes to tribal.  Rob says they have expendable numbers so it's not a big deal.  Once back at camp the boys leave in a group.  Sophie and Sarah feel good about Adam and Ben.  The bros all promise to not write each other's names down.  They decide that Sophie is more of a challenge asset so, Sarah then?  Rob declares that they have to all stay in camp together all day, nobody can leave.  It's Rob's "buddy system".  Rob says he feels like he's bringing the game back in his direction.  

Adam says it;s boring and there's no "game play".  Ben thinks rob is a control freak.  He has a decision to make and has to trust his gut since they can't talk.  

Sarah says that Rob is really a negative person.  It's the buddy system on steroids.  The girls go for water.  Sophie says that Rob is an asshole.  Sarah says she has a steal a vote but she really wants to save it.  Sophie never thought at this point in the game it would all come down to trusting strangers.  


Sophie says that this game is like playing with mob families because there are so many interlinked alliances and fluidity about the game.  
Adam says that nothing is ever solid.  No one is playing themself out of the game, everyone is playing well.
Ben says everyone knows not to poke the bear.
Rob is like whaaaa?
Jeff asks if there are cracks
Sarah says the crack was 7 words long because that's all she got all day.
Sophie explains that the boys went to the well and then came back in lock step and a command was given down. She says she's not looking for cracks-they're not invaders, but that they are looking to build real alliances. 
Sarah agrees and says they'll work with them
Ben says he's never been in a situation like this with 2 easy votes and nobody talked strategy.
Rob says sometimes less is more
Sophie says it's scary because Rob has won by corralling people around him and it's a proven strategy being used again.
Rob says that people working together works.  

Time to vote!  Any idols??  Nope.
One vote for Sarah and the rest goes to Rob!!!!!  Woo hoo!!!!!  He gives his fire token to Parv.  

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