Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Survivor WAR: 2 and 3

Welcome back!  And, yes, week 3 and I'm already in the weeds.  Does it really surprise anyone that my life and house is insane sometimes?  I swear my husband and I have the Heineken virus, our dog went back for surgery yesterday, and some days it's all I can do to lay on the couch and eat talenti gelato for the cool jars.  

Week 2 Rob gets the fire token and knows that Amber is on Edge.  He tells Parv he got it and that it "kills him" that she's there.  Says that if Amber orchestrated it this is WAR.  Because it wasn't WAR before...

Ben is trying to play a more social game this time around which includes teaching Denise how to find idols.  She immediately finds the 2 halves become one idol.  They discuss using it to bring someone into their group.  Denise tells Adam who is happy but also pissed that Ben knows because Adam is not team Ben.  Denise suggests she could give it to Parv to make a friend with the cool kids and Adam is like ARE YOU FRIGGIN STUPID??  Adam convinces her to give it to him but he doesn't want to get stuck playing with Ben.  

Over on red, Yul is trying to find breadfruit.  He hands one to Kim who is all depressed because this season she's not on top the whole time.  She goes looking for an idol and WHAT A SURPRISE immediately also finds the 2 halves one.  Tony and Nick walk up and she has to hide it in her complete lack of clothing and pretends to be looking for firewood.  She ultimately tells Sophie for reasons Sophie doesn't even understand.  "She just told the devil".  

On edge they get a note about "something out there..."  Natalie understands it.  The note actually says where with the first letters of the lines but they don't see it and traipse all over the island.   Later Natalie goes to the well and finds it.  "Safety to Power" -she can sell the ability to leave tribal before the vote for a fire token.  She sends it to Jeremy who buys it.  

Tony decides to do "Projects" to stay out of trouble and builds a giant ladder to get fruit.  He makes everyone carry it out to the trees, set it up and then he climbs up for fruit.  Tyson asks if there was a ladder clause in their contracts.  Sophie says Tony is like a kid playing make believe without knowing it's not real.  He also points out that 'That's the guy who enforces the law at home...."

Sarah talks to Tony and they agree to be secret Cops R Us partners.  

First look at Amber voted off.  Rob was that personal?  "It's rough but it's the game"

Race with a cart
get 3 keys
get 3 chests
disassemble and reassemble the cart
Dragon Puzzle

Wanna know?  Spice kit.  

Rob and Denise chose to do the puzzle and it's A DISASTER.  I don't think they get one piece while Red smokes them and wins immunity.  

Parv decides they are over run by newbies and one of them has to go.  
Rob says he second guessed himself and it wasn't his best day
Ethan-Dude you sucked.
Rob says he still feels secure and isn't worried.  Wants to know which newbie should go.  Jeremy or Ben?  He talks to Parv and Danni is watching everyone talk.  She thinks it's her.  

Danni tells Ethan and Ben that she wants to make her case. Ethan asks Ben what Rob says and basically gives away the old school alliance in front of Ben who is like WHOA, THERE IS AN OLD SCHOOL ALLIANCE. 

Ben, Ethan and Jeremy decide to push for Danni to prove there is no old school alliance.  

Danni tells Rob that she thinks Parv flipped on her so she'll go along with them taking out Parv.  Rob was willing to forgive her for the first mistake but "Parv is my girl".  Rob tells Ethan and Adam that the old school is turning against each other, and Adam is totally cool with going against "the godfather".  

Ethan says he heard Parv.  Rob is all what the hell??  Says Ben is running all over telling people to vote Parv.  Adam says it's Parv or Danni and the question is when to  take the risk against Rob.

Adam has problems trying to put his torch in an area with no hole so Ben has to help him.  LOL.  

Rob says that this season is about relationships and it's more complex that EVER IN HISTORY
Ethan says it can be quite confusing to know if you are really in the relationship
Michelle says old or new is out the window and that she got hoodwinked last time
Parv says that the poor old people don't know the new stuff like idols and second chances
Danni says that although she is old school and agrees with the different type of play, she says that clearly loyalty doesn't work and people have been really quiet around her.
Parv says that initially Danni wanted Rob out but then they made up
Ben says there was really an old school alliance, says the old schoolers are making the new school paranoid.  When challenged by Parv he says "you 3 were running around all day"
Ethan says "but you guys have a new school alliance"

Rob whispers to Jeremy, and then to Parv

Ben is saying something about idols and showing people to find idols and Rob is all LETS ALL OPEN OUR BAGS AND SHOW IF WE HAVE AN IDOL.  Which personally I think it is dick move but a typical Rob move.  

Everyone shows their bags and Denise manages to hide the idol.  Adam asks why people should show their bags and Rob, the paragon of virtue, says he's just trying to find the truth.  

Vote:  Idol?  no
Danni is voted out.  She gives Denise her token.  

Is it me or is all the action on the Blue tribe?  Rob, Ethan and Parv betrayed Danni.  Adam now thinks it's time to target the big dogs.  Was Adam a dick last time he played? I don't remember him.  He wants to get rid of Parv again, and find a way to build a relationship with Ethan and Rob.  He tells his plan to Denise who says that they have the idol, and Danni gave her the fire token BUT Rob, Ethan and Parv are tight.  

Ben is adamant about not working with Rob.  Michelle agrees with him.  

Adam miscalculates again how telling the truth does not in fact get someone to be in an alliance with you.  He tells Ethan he has his back and they have to target Parv.  Tells him they need to pick and chose who they all go to the mat for.  Ethan is all, are you stupid??  Parv is his girl and plus he has no idea how to play this game so he's gonna hold on to her coattails for dear life.  

On Red, Sandra says she's retiring and this is her last go round.  She wants to prove her Survivor worth and decides to catch a fish using a volleyball net.  DID WE KNOW THEY HAD A VOLLEYBALL NET???  

Tyson knows he's a target and it's the first time he's been on the hit list ever.  He decides he needs to topple the queen for chops.  Or as they say, HIS RESUME.  He tells Yul and Sophie his plan but Yul isn't feeling the Tyson love and is hesitant.  

Sandra and the boys set up the net in an inlet and low and behold catch a little shark!  Tony helps out by picking up the shark, only to realize he is TERRIFIED of sharks.  LOL!  He knows he can't drop it and lost it but he's running around like a crazy man before they help him lay it down.  Yul likes that Sandra caught a fish and wants to keep her around.  He tells her Tyson's plan and ignites her flame.  "Ain't no way he's coming after me and not paying the price!"  LOL, seriously Sandra needs her own reality show because I would love to see her in her "normal" life.  

On Edge there is no food, supposedly.  Danni goes fishing with the spear that they just happen to have and catches a tiny fish.  She's all thrilled with herself.  Natalie walks up with tree mail. They each get notes wrapped in string with shells that tells them to find a lock box and "you have all the numbers to proceed".  They all run into the jungle and find the lock box and try a variety of different combinations.  Amber goes back to the beach and finds some numbers written on the fake set crates and returns to try them.  Nope.  Natalie also goes back and sees the sets of shells on the strings and destroys the other strings before returning to the lockbox and opening it up.  It's the ability to sell a Steal a Vote.  

Tony is reliving the great shark escapade and the shark is getting bigger with each telling. Sandra finds the note from Natalie.  She has to sneak into the other camp and find the steal a vote in one of the torches.  It's risky and it costs a fire token but she decides to go for it- and she needs Tony as backup.  They hilariously try to cover her face with ashes and then Sarah is taken to the other beach in a boat.  Ethan is up stoking the fire, and then he goes back to sleep. She crawls over to the torches but has to stand up to reach inside them.  She's making a bit of noise but she of course finds the steal a vote paper and safely gets out of there.  It all seems pretty staged to me IMO.  

Ramped walls
Sand pit
Tree Puzzle

Rob decides to go with another losing go at the puzzle and Red wins immunity.  It's like he should have been listening to his advice on Island of the Idols.  

Blue all get back to camp and it's all quiet as everyone just stands and sits around waiting for a chance to get up and go chat in groups.  It's a standoff.  Finally Jeremy walks off and Ben follows him.  Jeremy, Ben and Denise decide Parv is dangerous.  

Adam approaches Rob and asks him if he is open to any possibilities.  He tells him they are planning to take out Parv, and he assures Rob that ultimately she is going to come after him.  Rob asks if they have the numbers to take out Parv.  Adam knows going after the godfather is risky but again thinks telling people the truth is a good strategy.  

Rob is like, is he nuts??  "I don't play that way".  Rob approaches Michelle and Jeremy and says he knows the plan.  They tell him that's not really the plan.  Rob thinks they should blindside Adam.   Rob tells Parv.  She says he broke the cardinal rule and she's ready to devour him.  

Michelle is pissed that Rob knew the plan.  She tells Denise that Adam told Rob everything.  Ben is pissed as well and says that Adam is playing every angle.  

Ben says they all know changes are needed to stop the losing.
Jeremy says someone has to step up
Ethan says that certain people are working together but they need to work for yourself.
Adam says people all have someone close to themselves so when you come at someone it isn't that simple
Michelle says something weird about how it's like dating and you end up with the person who makes you feel giddy.
Rob says it's a gut decision and you have to trust someone and hope people do the right thing. 
Parv says she's a big target and she doesn't have a lot of options
Adam says Yes, if you've played several times or there's a giant statue of your head somewhere people look at you as a threat
Rob says that by  saying that he's playing the game.
Adam says no one needs reminding how often Rob or Parv have played the game
Rob says, and again, that's what you're doing
Adam-it's not like people don't know we're playing the game, AND you do have a statue.
Ben says the whole alliance thing is new for him and people are constantly jumping up and jumping in other bunkers.  He's happy in the bunker he's in.
Denise says everyone is jumping in everyone else's bunker
Ethan says "I don't know what the hell the bunker thing is!  I just need to get through tonight"
Jeff asks him it this means he's not thinking ahead and he says he can't or he won't be in the game.  

Time to vote!  Idols??

Parv gets one, Adam gets 3 and Ethan is voted off,  No idea where that come from!  Ethan gives his fire token to Adam.  

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