Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Best Survivor Ever!!

Hello fellow coronavivors!  Hope you are safe and well.  I have to say this was one of my favorite episodes as all the Queens joined Boston Rob over on Edge-which is about to become the Lord of the Flies, if everyone else figures out the whole fire token thing!  

Ben is celebrating the removal of BR.  LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!  Ben says Rob had a lack of respect for everyone else, and he thinks he is showing people he can change his game.  He's also feeling closer to Sophie and Sarah than to Adam.  Adam is happy BR is gone BUT he feels nervous that the other 3 seem to have a stronger connection to each other and to the rest of the game than he does.  He thinks it was better with Rob.  

On Exile, that there is "something hidden for a chance to win a fire token, says something about "more rocks to turn over".  Everyone starts running around looking under rocks.  BR and Amber are convinced it's at the cliff so they run there.  Tyson sees that the clue also says you have to be "at the right place at the right time" and figures it has something to do with tides and tide pools.  Just as he sees the clue, Rob shows up so Tyson turns around and pretends to pee.  It's a fire token via selling an idol nullifier.  He sends it to Parv who jumps right on it.  Tyson uses his fire token to buy a secret jar of peanut bar which will give him energy and "an extra thrill" for getting away with something secret.

Challenge, and Jeff announces that Rob is out.  OOOOOOOHHHHHHH.  Biggest reaction ever!  

This challenge is for ONE immunity and reward of peanut butter and the other 2 tribes go to tribal.  The challenge is : swim to boats, 1 person in, the rest out and the rice bags inside are thrown over to the others.  The rice bags are taken to a gate and have to be pushed through a little hole, kinda like childbirth, Bags are knife open and balls are inside. The balls are used for a ball maze.  

Green tribe wins, sending everyone else to tribal.  

On blue, Parv is sad because she doesn't have the numbers.  Nick, Wendell and Yul agree that it's Parv.  Nick is bummed that his masturbation idol has to go but that's what everyone wants.  

Parv tells Michelle that Wendell wants her to go.  Michelle suggests they try to find the cracks but secretly she doesn't think it will work.  Wonders if to show her loyalty, which  makes no sense to me OR him.  Says then he'll have 2 votes!  She asks him what she can do and then gets pissed off when he doesn't trust her, and says this is JUST LIKE when he burned her in love.  LOL.  OMG these two have nothing in common and no communication skills!!  Chick, IT WAS JUST SEX!!!  There was no love involved!!

Wendell approaches Parv and says we are just targeting each other and canceling our votes out.  He asks her what they can do and she'll all "I don't know, what are you thinking?  He suggests NIck or Yul.  He says "give me 2 fire tokens to prove to me you are honest".  Parv gets all she needs and runs around telling everyone he tried to sell her his votes for 2 fire tokens.  Nick is mad because "we talked about going to the end together".  Michelle tells Nick that Wendell isn't listening to her,  and wonders who the bigger threat is, Wendell of Parv.  Nick's dick says hmmmm, maybe we keep Parv....

Over on red, everyone is SORRY about losing.  Sandra says the bread was probably stale anyway.  Tony ramp up his paranoia and decides it's time for the SPY SHACK.  He puts it by the watering hole and just sits there.  Everyone is finally WHERE IS TONY???  Jeremy asks Sandra what her preference is, and she doesn't answer.  "So, original tribe?" Yep.  

Denise approaches Sandra and asks  how solid they all are.  Sandra suggests they talk somewhere else.  She, Denise and Kim talk and Denise asks how solid they are.  Sandra says they are solid because they have the numbers.  She also says that Denise is a wonderful person.  Denise thinks Sandra thinks she is in charge to she tries to play it humbly and plead for then to go with Jeremy.  

Kim is still all WHERE IS TONY? Sandra tells her to be careful where they talk and says not to talk at the water well.  Kim starts wondering if Tony is stupid enough for another spy shack.  Jeremy joins in and wonders why everyone is scrambling.  As they are walking Tony pops out of his spy shack and meets Kim and Sandra.  He's totally freaking out about being so close to being caught.  

Jeremy asks Tony about going with Denise.  Says they got rid of the biggest shield with Rob before the merge so they might want to keep him as one.  Sandra says that Tony is pushing Denise to go.  She says she has other people because only Tony will benefit from keeping Jeremy.  

Denise is sitting in the shelter and Sandra is standing by her talking to her.  Sandra tells her to give her 2 fire tokens and I'll give you immunity.  She says Tony is paranoid and messing with her game so she'll give her and idol.....and Kim walks up and they pretend to be talking about ice cream.  "I'll give you cookies and cream....."   Denise asks what's in it for her and Sandra says she gets to stay in and her hands are clean.  She tells Denise i'll give you one now and one after the vote.  Denise "I've never had power before in a game",

Wendell says he'll do whatever, he'll stab anyone
Nick says it's a different game this time.
Michelle points out that different people played different games before and are trying to adjust
Parv, the ultimate black widow killer, says she just wants to  work with "fun people".
Wendell says he's just trying to be real about what he could do if necessary
Parv says he is probably talking about stabbing Michelle
Michelle says she and Wendell have a different style of communication, not all cushy.  LOL.  
Parv says she has difficulty talking to Wendell
Wendell says he just thought people appreciated honesty
Parv says Wendell promised her he'd give her his vote for 2 fire tokens
Wendell says nobody knows whether or not they have any value so he was just joking.  He then says that the current deal is still on the table
Parv-you want to do something with me?
Wendell-what do you want me to  do?
Wendell says he gave her everything and she gave him nothing
Yul says this is like watching his parents fight and says he thought they already had a plan
Michelle says she is distressed because these are 4 people she loves.  OH COME OH GURL, WAKE UP
Nick says it's called winners AT WAR.  Grow a backbone!!

Vote.  Any idols?  Nope.  And BAM, Parv is gone.  
Michelle gets the fire token

Tribal 2
Kim says the theme of this season is "threats vs non threats"
Sandra says some know they are threats, some aren't.  Says Denise is not a threat
Denise says Is that a complement?? We are all threats for different reasons.  The issue is what threat is targeted tonight
Jeremy says Denise is one option. Says it's a 3/2 split so it's a numbers game
Tony says we know it's not just a numbers game, we're seasoned players
Jeremy says he loves Denise but they need to stay strong
Denise says she knows she is not a challenge beast but strong with relationships
Jeremy says he's nervous
Sandra says "do the smart players exploit the numbers?  Yes."

Time to vote.

Idols?  Denise says, can you give me a minute Jeff?  Everyone is like whaaaaat??  I found something today.  Jeff affirms it is an idol.  She says she'd like to play it for herself.  Denise then says, can I have another minute Jeff?  I'd like to play THIS OTHER IDOL for Jeremy!  WOOOFREAKINGHOOOOO

Let me read the votes......


Sandra-Day 16 got me again!!

Sandra gives her token to Yul.  

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