Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rant for the Day: No Hugs

I usually wake up to the Today's show. And it's usually about half an hour after I get out of bed, snuggle on the couch with a cup of coffee and some warm socks. Watching the Today's show something usually comes on the air that snaps my head back and makes me say, "are you f*^$%ing kidding me"??

Today it was a story on the schools around the country and their "no hugs" policies. Interestingly enough, the policies aren't designed to stop twenty-something female teachers trying to cop a feel of some 14 year old male a$%, but to stop all student-to-student displays of affection.

According to one principal, the policy stems from kids sharing hugs tying up the hallways. Yea, we wouldn't want the kids with guns running through the hallways to get tied up in traffic on the way to the shooting. Also, they say it's a result of some kids getting romantic in the hallways, and others getting hugs they don't want.

I can remember in my high school days there were always those couples that had to be joined at the groin between every class. Inappropriate public displays of affection? You bet. Did it scar me for life? Not particularly. Did I want to be one of those kids? Well......sometimes. Was I? Not even close, darn it.

Am I missing something in today's schools where one child or, more likely, parent can complain about some perceived injustice and we roll out a no-tolerance policy? What are we teaching our kids here? That anything that you don't personally like you can ban from all of society? How about using the hugs to teach what's appropriate and what's not appropriate PDA? How about we sit down with the groin huggers and discuss why what they are doing might bother some people and, frankly, isn't good for either of them.

And, how about we teach the greatest lesson one could ever learn in life: if something bothers you, nicely ask the botherer to stop. If you're not a hugger, learn to say, "I appreciate how you feel, but I'm just not a touchy-feely person". Believe me, that will help you out of MANY situations in life.

What's next, we ban people looking at each other, because the social phobics have a hard time with that? I mean, why not just bring on the burka's and the lowered eyes in public because it seems to me this is where it's all going.

I seriously think it all comes down to the fact that via email, blogging, and text messaging, we've lost the ability to interact one on one. How much easier is it to fire off an email to someone who you perceive has injured you, than to pick up the phone or go in person and have a conversation? Both kids and parents rely too much on a third party to solve their problems. What ever happened to calling up Johnny's parents and saying, "Becky mentioned to me that Johnny wants to hug her every time they're together, and she's a little uncomfortable. Could you talk to your son?" I know, I know. It doesn't work. Johnny will get mad that his parents were discussing him, Becky will get mad because you talked to them, and Johnny's parents will probably take it as a personal attack on their parenting skills. Better I call in the principal of the school, and the school board and try to solve this problem. But wouldn't it be better if we could all give and take honest feedback without having an allergic reaction?

Damn, I need another cup of coffee and a hug.


Terri said...

Good point Elayne!
Whatever happened to "Hugs Not Drugs"?
I need a Hug! = )

2 Peter 2:3-7 said...

E: Brilliant!! OH SO FREAKING TRUE! But it's ok to teach kids to do X and encourage unprotected sex according to Boulder, CO high school. Not one teacher even walked out of the assembly, let alone take the kids away!

Yet another example of Rome's downfall! You should be a writer!!