Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Survivor Update 7

Ok, so I'm guessing Courtney missed that "everything you need to know in life you learned in kindergarten" book that was out a couple years ago. Oh, yea, she probably doesn't read. Anyway, that girl does not know how to get along with others!! She's mad at Jean-Robert, then she's mad at Todd and everyone else 'cause they won't join her anti Jean-Robert clique. Wasn't she in "Mean Girls Suck?" My favorite Courtney line: "I dislike everyone else more than I dislike Todd and Amanda. I think they mistake that for friendship.” Maybe while she's in the hatch for her anorexia, they can work on her anger issues.
James gets the second immunity hunk o'wood and hides them both in his pants. Fortunately they're big enough... In his haste, he leaves the non-immunity hunk o'the set on the ground, where Jaime finds it and searches through James' pants and feels that he has 2 of them. Being a blonde, she assumes this is an immunity idol lying on the ground, and what with James' TWO, assumes there must be 3 of 'em. Again, DON'T THESE PEOPLE WATCH SURVIVOR????? She talks it over with Erick while laying on the bamboo "bed", but he's so consumed with being in a bed with a hot Christian, he doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Survivors go to reward challenge and (SHOCK) find out they are merged and get bad-ass black buffs. OOOOOh. They also get a feast with a TRADITIONAL CHINESE ACROBAT SHOW. When they do this crap, they should have words going across the bottom that says, "see, we're not exploiting this ancient society, just celebrating it". Jeff also warns them, "the game never stops" (cue the dramatic music). Survivors run off to the all you can eat Chinese buffet, with 5 meat and 5 veggie entrees. Wonder if they got soup and egg rolls too.

Hae Da Fung (Black Fighting Wind) is the new name. Me? I woulda gone with Wha Da Fuk.

Jeff shows up at camp. which I think might be UNPRECEDENTED, and proceeds to have the immunity challenge right then and there, with the unveiling of the Survivor China Immunity Necklace. Challenge is the "who stayed sober enough to remember the feast" challenge. Tough questions: “How many times did the fireworks go off during the celebration?” , “The four cultural dancers wore what on their feet?” and "Was that dog in the meat dishes??" Frosti wins immunity!!

In preparation for Tribal, everyone has an opinion on who should go. Jean-Robert threatens Todd to get PG off, Jaime tries to get Frosti back by telling him they have the immunity idol, she also tells Todd she knows who has it and it he saves her she'll reveal all tomorrow (cause she's MUCH SMARTER THAN SHE LOOKS).

Who is the Zhan Hu mastermind-PG or Jaime? Will the unbalanced and hungry Courtney screw Fei Long over? Will there be a dramatic twist and Jean-Robert goes?? MOST IMPORTANTLY: Will Jaime pull out her hunk of wood, thinking it's the immunity idol??

I actually think that may have been one of the funniest scenes in Survivor history when Jaime hands Jeff the "idol", and he gets to say, "there is an immunity idol in the game, and unfortunately this isn't it" while he pitches it into the fire. Wouldn't it be funny if next week, PG and Erick carry all sorts of pieces of the set to Tribal and keep interrupting the vote reading with, "hey Jeff, hows about this piece of MDF??"

Anyway, Jaime is the first person to sit on the jury. Hopefully Erick will join her and they can continue to not have sex for the remaining 15 days.

1 comment:

Terri said...

a-ha ha ha
thanks again for the great re-cap/commentary. Very funny. I like your tribe name, Wha Da Fuk!

Courtney's got to go! And leave my guy, Jean-Robert alone.
Go Jean-Robert!