Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Survivor: Shut Y'all's Mouth

Hey, Survivor 10 years!

It’s raining and miserable. In villainland, they have no real shelter, so are all cold, wet and miserable. Rob:” Again, I’m on the buffoon tribe”. Coach and Jerri chatting on the beach at sunrise. Awwww. Later in the day, Rob has ideas about how to rebuild the shelter for the 4th time, but gives up because, “everyone has ideas…”

Hero-haven and all is happy happy happy. Oh, except Rupert does not like nor want Stephanie to stay. I’m not sure why other than her voice is really friggin annoying, what with that Philly thing going on. Stephanie doesn’t like Rupert either. “He’s playing too much the good guy role”. They decide to make coconut popcorn, but Rupert pissed Stephanie off even more by being a bossy popcorn adviser.

Vland’s shelter gate continues. Rob is just so frustrated. The girl villains are all bitching about the boy villains not being hot enough. No one is hot without a daily shower, toothbrush and shave. Just sayin. Rob goes out into the woods, and Jerri is luckily nearby. Rob goes down like a patient of Dr. Drew’s Celebrity Rehab. Jerri finds him and he tells her to get help. Jeff and the medical team come, and he’s kinda out of it. They give him water and he’s kinda out of it trying to drink. The crack medical opinion? “He looks worse off than he is”. Rob starts crying, saying he’s sorry, “I feel like this game is getting the best of me… and I love and respect it so much”. It’s kinda weird, frankly. They say he had the flu, but I’m not buying it. Detox is a bitch. Rob decides to get over himself and stop trying to be the good guy.

Can I just say, for the record, that Randy always looks stoned? I mean, the lights are on but no one is home.

Challenge time. Jeff is teasing me in medium blue. Hmmm. It’s a repeat of a former PUZZLE challenge. Where survivors work in pairs and roll big crates to a platform, and then they have to stack the crates to spell their tribe name. JT, Coach and Tyson all did the challenge before. Wanna know what you’re playing for? A tarp and immunity.

Bottom line, the Heroes kick ass at bringing the crates in, and have a decent lead, but of course blow it in the puzzle. They’re totally disorganized, won’t listen to JT, and Stephanie is yelling the whole time. Won’t shut up and listen. James is pissed. Rob, of course, does the bulk of the work for the Villains and they win immunity and finally decent shelter.

James says that Stephanie is Kryptonite for the team. JT takes responsibility for the loss, which is ridiculous. James is getting more pissed by the minute. He just keeps yelling, “One voice”. Tom doesn’t like James. “I’d like to tell James what a winner is and what a loser is, and where he fits in”. LOL. Tom is even elegant when he criticizes people.

The villains celebrate by putting their tarp up, AND the find a giant clam. Russell gets jealous that someone else caught the clam, so he goes out and gets a chicken. “I’m in charge, I’m King Russell”. I’m guessing the employees at his oil company do not mind his ass being gone for another round of survivor.

James continues his rant. “Stephanie’s teams never win”. He is just totally bagging on her to everyone. Dude, it’s a bitch when steroid withdraw kicks in but try to control yourself.

JT has alliances with both James, and with Tom. The tribe is split between James, Rupert and Amanda on one side, and Tom, Colby and Stephanie on the other. JT is trying to walk a fine line. James obviously wants Stephanie. Stephanie and Tom want Amanda. Stephanie tries working on Cirie and Candace. Steph tells Cirie, that “you’re next you know”. Tom works on Candace. She wants to know what’s in it for her. Apparently nothing!

Candace and Cirie talk. “Once we decide which way to vote, the game is gonna bust open”. Cirie doesn’t care who goes as long as it’s not her.
Tribal Council, and my man is in the dark blue shirt. Happy times at the Motel 6 in Pottstown again!

James rants about Stephanie. She argues back. They start to really go at it. There is this whole ridiculous back and forth about the term “y’all”. James is totally obsessed with Stephanie. Colby steps in and protects Stephanie, as does Tom. Jeff points out that this is a divided tribe. Tom accuses James of bullying.

Colby says he had no idea this would be starting so early, and it is “terribly alarming”.

Cirie comments that everyone assumes she and Amanda have an alliance, but “she screwed me in the past”. Amanda admits that she is afraid that the past will come back and bite her.

Time to vote. Amanda gets 3…..Stephanie gets 3…..next vote…..it’s Stephanie.

As she’s leaving, she turns and says, “Next time y’all lose a challenge? A little less cursing would help”.

James “Shut your mouth”.

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