Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Survivor Update: Craftsman Tool Promotional Episode

Sooo, Russell shuffles off to Redemption Island. "My whole tribe lost the challenge to get rid of me...Liars. Matt's a rookie, Ima take him out." Idiot Matt: "Russell, you're my favorite person". Russell: "Ima take it from entire tribe is gonna come here. Ima gonna make them sleep out in the mud". Show of hands, who wants to work for Russell in the real world?? LIttle men with little dicks have little brains. (Bumper stickers ARE available).

On O: Phillip is sweeping. Rob: "He's weird. Who goes on Survivor wearing pink tighty whiteys with his stuff flipping out?" Phillip: "These kids don't understand me. I'm disadvantaged by the social game. I gotta show another side". LOL. I doubt he has another side.

On Z: Stephanie and Krista are stuck with "goobers" and are laying out on the beach. Ralph, back at camp away from these two tells the other 6 that he has the idol. "I got them captured to take me farther in the game".

Who wants to go witness the duel on Redemption?? Phillip and Kristina want to go. Phillip: "With my government background I can read the situation and get some good intel". For Z, Sarita and Ralph go.

Duel: Good VS Evil. Jeff is in medium blue. It's a domino challenge. Damn, I was really hoping for a spirograph-off.

Matt finished laying his dominoes first, He falls short and has to restack. Russell gives his a try and misses. It's a restacking race. And...Matt wins!!! Oh GLORY BE TO THE GOD OF DOMINOES. The pizza AND the puzzles.

Russell goes home. Ahhhhhh. He cries. "It's hard to be a professional quarterback with peewees on the team". Ralph takes offense at Russell’s remarks says, "I found the idol in 15 seconds". Sarita tells him "Don't do it" under her breath. He then says he faked it. Hmmm, lie or not? Russell is pleased that Ralph spilled the beans about his idol in front of everyone and asks Ralph to show him the idol. He refuses but CIA man, Phillip believes he has the idol. Russell gets in his final dig: "See Jeff, I get to remain in the game through Phillip and Kristina".

O: Rob declares it a beach day, because he wants time to look for the idol. He makes up a game called Royal Treatment. Then he tells everyone he's constipated to explain his long absences. About the time they ask, "Where's Rob??" he finds the idol.

Z: "Matt won". Ding Dong. Russell is gone, but Stephanie and Kristina are still team Russell.

O: Phillip tells Kristina not tell anyone that Ralph has the idol. She thinks he's a big wind bag. "I'm gonna let him dig his own grave".

Phillip pulls Rob and Grant aside, tells him he knows who on Z has the idol and what the alliances are. "Is that valuable enough information to keep Kristina in the game?" Rob is pissed. "Hey dumb ass, aren’t you in my alliance? Don’t you work for me?” Rob agrees to Phillip's face, and Phillip spills all. Rob and Grant realize he's untrustworthy and needs to go.

Tree mail. Teamwork and ruggedness, Trust. Julie: We need to win this challenge. Karma is against us.

Challenge. Jeff is in dark blue. It's a total CRAFTSMAN (co-marketing ding ding ding) tool use challenge. Build shit, and nail nails. It's also another clay tile discrimination challenge. Here's the actual instructions: "Both tribes will make their way over a balance beam where they will use a crow bar to open a crate and retrieve a shovel. The shovel will be then be used to dig to find an axe, which will be used to chop a log that will release a rope holding two saws. The saws will be used to cut through a wall releasing planks. The planks will be used to complete a ramp that will get the entire tribe to the top of a platform where they must hammer three nails to break three tiles. The final step is to put the toolbox containing all the tools used in the challenge on top of the table on the platform." Yes, it's the Shop Class final. Wanna know what you're playing for?? A Sears BBQ set and food.

Screw it, Team Z wins immunity due to Sasquatch's nailing skills. The get the food. Mike, the Iraq vet: "I'm so hungry I haven't thought about sex in 2 weeks". Ladies, now we know how to get out of sex. STOP COOKING!!. Ralph is sucking stuff out of his nails. GROSS ME THE HELL OUT.

Phillip calls a pre-tribal meeting. "I thought we did good. Anyone got anything they want to discuss??" Crickets.

Phillip is a total pain in the ass. The women all hate him. Kristina sees an opening and trash talks him. Kristina talks to Natalie. Says, "there must have been a clue when we won reward so someone must have the idol by now". This surprises Natalie, that Kristina is no longer looking for the clue. Natalie talks to Rob, who is glad they don't suspect him. "Hmm, does she maybe have it??" He thinks that even though Phillip is annoying as hell, Kristina is dangerous. "Let's send her home, but split the vote just in case she has the idol".

Ashley and Grant take a walk, Ashley vents about Phillip. Grant agrees he is a total lose cannon. He talks to Rob but Rob still thinks Kristina needs to go first. "I just hope these people stay in line". Phillip talks to Rob. Rob tells him Kristina, which pissed Phillip off. He thinks Rob is not a man of his word and "I need to be prepared to make my move".

Tribal. Medium Blue. Meh.

Kristina, are you on the hotseat? Yes. I started off on the wrong side of the numbers. Hopes for a second chance.
Natalie: Second chances are great
Grant: People can get a second chance
Rob: Is it too late?
Kristina thinks people should vote the most disruptive person off
Phillip: I'm a doer. Kristina is disruptive
It's obviously Kristina vs Phillip.
Phillip goes on a rant. I have a tribe history. Says some shit about a Shephard Stamp, a dead mom...a medal...some shit. I'm better than Kristina.
Kristina: I'm a valuable member, smart and trustworthy.

She's also the next person voted off Survivor and onto Redemption Island.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Survivor Update: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead...Maybe

Soooo, we finally get to see some action at Redemption Island. Matt shows up, with none of his stuff since he was so damn sure it wasn't gonna be him. Francesca: "Dude, what the hell are you doing here?? Why wasn't it Phillip??" "Rob is a scoundrel."

Back on O, Rob is all happy. Phillip was a good soldier and Kristina used her idol. "Phillip, you're now in the alliance". "Tomorrow I have to get Andrea back on our side..."

Redemption tree mail: Follow the path to the arena for a duel. Loser goes home for good. On Z and O, the get messages that each tribe can send 2 representatives, chosen by colored marbles. For Z, it's Steve and Dave. For, O it's Ashley and Andrea. Rob's not happy with Andrea getting to see Matt.

Redemption Duel: Jeff is in dark blue. Andrea yells out, "I didn't vote for either of you two". It's an old challenge. They're behind a "wall" of cheap Home Depot bamboo sticks, and they have to build a a pole to get 3 keys and open 3 locks.

Francesca gets her pole going really fast and gets key #1. Matt's stick falls apart. Francesca gets key #2, Matt's stick falls apart. Francesca's stick isn't long enough to get the last key and it falls apart. Matt gets his shit together and gets key 1 and 2. One key left for each of them, and Matt wins. Matt stays alive and Francesca is the first person off this season.

The girls return to O camp telling them that Matt is really pissed off, but they didn't get to talk to him.

Rob talks to Andrea. "I'm sorry...It wasn't just me, 4 people did it. You're still in our alliance". Andrea: "It's smart for me to stay part of the alliance but I don't trust them....(she cries) they sent my only friend away". Oh jeebus.

Over on Z: "The black chick won and the blonde kid left". They want Russell to think he has to fight "the black chick" so he's surprised when he gets there an it's Matt.

Russell: It's 6-3, I gotta find the idol. Ralph, aka Sasquatch is watching him look. "This is not Russell's game no more".

They can't find the idol, so Stephanie suggests they make a fake one and pretend she has it in her bag. She's all acting like her bag is suddenly filled with gold bars, and Steve notices. Russell: "I tell them what to do and they do it for me". Ugh.

Ok, WTF. Apparently prior to Survivor Russell shaved his armpits and now he has a big old rash. God I hope he shaved his balls too. "He's just sitting in his tent all day with his concubines". Great line!! Steve wants him gone. "Would it make sense to throw a challenge and get rid of him?? Most people are good with that but Julie is torn. What if O starts getting on a roll and they just gave up a person? Steve: "If I give a thumbs up, we're throwing the challenge". Usually I am totally against this, but not this season!!

Challenge: Jeff is in Light Blue. It's the waterboarding challenge again. 3 people are strapped to a wheel, they are rotated into water where they fill up their mouths and then spit in a funnel. Once it fills up, they do a puzzle on the atrocities at Abu Graib. Wanna know what you're playing for?? Chairs, pillows, blankets, lanterns...and immunity. Z decides to throw it. Sarita and Sasquatch sit out, and Julie is not happy.

O gets to the puzzle first. You have to build a maze and run a ball through. Rob is the puzzle master. David is doing the puzzle for Z, or rather he is just staring at it like it's too hard for him to even begin it. Rob wins.

Russell: "If I didn't know any better I'd think they threw the challenge. I'm dealing with a bunch of bitches".

O. Rob thinks there is probably a clue to a re hidden idol somewhere on the new stuff. Everyone is looking for it. He looks at one of the chairs but then sees Phillip napping in the other one. "Dude, you're breaking the chair with your fat ass...get up". Phillip moves to the first chair and Rob finds the clue. "Let me go put a new screw in this chair..." Phillip just keeps napping. It's a real vague clue.

Z: Julie wants to know what the plan is. We split the votes 3-3 between Russell and Stephanie. Russell tells his concubines it is stupid to throw a challenge. They need to flip someone. He sends Stephanie to talk to Julie. Julie says, "I'd like my chances better with someone who has been here before..." Russell tells her, "I got your back. They pick Ralph to vote off. "This would be the biggest move ever".

Tribal-Jeff is in Dark Blue. YES. Be right there darling!! I'll bring the quarters for the magic fingers bed!

Ralph: Fist time at tribal? It's good and bad. There are 2 teams on our tribe
Steve: 6 solid, and 3 not solid
Sarita: I think the problem is Russell and his legacy. He came in and gave a fancy speech that he has changed, and it's not the case.
Russell: I'm not playing that game. It felt like people threw the challenge today
Mike: It's true, we didn't go 100% today. We've got some fat to trim.
Julie: I'd rather we merge with the numbers
Stephanie is just a bitch. "The majority of the tribe forget that Russell is important"
Steve: We did not throw the challenge.
On and on. Stephanie is just a crazy nasty bitch!!

They vote. What will Julie do??? She comes through and it's a 3 way tie. No idol. They revote. Russell is voted off!! Yay!!!

"I'll be ready"
Stephanie to Julie: "The storms a coming."

Russell: "I'm pissed. I wanted to bitch slap every one of them".

Getting good!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bachelor: Fear and Loathing

First up, this week is the return of the bitching Ho's.  I usually don't blog that craziness BUT I would consider it for a couple of donations to my 3Day Walk.  Show me some love, people!!

So, we're all in South Africa.  Which is really nice, and all cute fuzzy animals.  No apartheid, no Nelson Mandela, no white rule.  Just cute fuzzy animals as far as Brad and the womens are concerned.  Final 3: Ashley, Emily and Chantel, which rhymes with clientele and always makes me think of Fergie. 

This week Brad wants to "talk" to all of the womens on an intimate level.  Intimate is the word of the week.  Intimate, intimate, intimate.  As if Brad would know intimate if it bit him on the balls, and he sent that woman home already. 

He has a "strong connection" with these 3 ladies.  There is an EASE with Chantel, although their ride has been a "roller coaster" because she actually has emotions.  Ashley has "so much to offer (aka a steady dentist paycheck), they are comfortable except when Ashely has questions and insecurities about me dry humping several other womens.  Speedbumps, he calls them.  Are speedbumps better or worse than roller coasters?  Emily is "one in a million".  LMFAO.  Yes, dumb blondes incapable of holding even a modest conversation really are hard to find, Brad.  He's a much better person with her...she makes him giddy.  He wants a "sweet" woman but this one has an intimidating past. 

It's overnight date week.  He's excited.  He's also "terrified of being alone, but I've made enough changes to not end up alone.  One of these womens will be my wife".  Uhuh.  I got $20 says that ain't never happening.

First date is with Chantel in Sabi Sands.  It's a safari date.  Baby monkeys, Chantel reliving telling Brads he lurves him.  They meet and hug.  Get in the open air safari bus.  "I'm here looking at the bush with a beautiful woman".  hmmmm.  Ooh, Lions!  MAUL THEM, MAUL THEM!!!  Brad really wanted to see lions and ABC managed to drug a couple and lay them out in the bush.  Ooh, Giraffe.  "That is a pretty animal...This is his home".  Brad is a freaking genius.  Elephants, zebra, African music playing, rhinos.  Picnic time.  The guide leads them to the river holding a shotgun.  So you know it's dangerous.  LOL.  Now Brad is off on his fear/danger relationship building test bullshit.  WTF??

They eat their picnic lunch with a hippo.  The overcoming fear bullshit she says is a metaphore for their relationship.  Brad: "I miss your's their money doing?"   blah blah blah.  Really, it's all bullshit.  "We're weeks away from something that could change our lives".

Dinner, outside.  Chantel: "I want to meet your family".  He gets kinda weird.  "I get all intense about family.  Ooh, should I say this?  I'm the most comfortable around you.  I like that side of me around you (didn't he say the same about Ashley 5 minutes ago??)  My heart is open".  Chantel: "Let's get married now" "Would you do that??"  "I take the engagement seriously, and if I'm going to get engaged I mean to get married".  "I like that about you, the spontenaity...I need that in my life". 

The Chris Harrison date shag card arrives.  She reads it, "Let's go!!"  What happens in the fantasy suite stays in the fantasy suite.  Theirs is a real treehouse.  Out in the open with apparently no plumbing.  Yea, my fantasy too.  I wonder what kind of mosquito born diseases you can get in South Africa??

Date 2 is Emily.  Ugh, I am dreading this one.  They meet, big hug.  "Hang on, I need to get something..." He leaves her and then comes riding in on an elephant.  "It's my's like the lion king only better".  Brad, if you marry her you will get to watch The Lion King (Disney Productions, DING) 25,000 times in the next 2 years.  "Ricky would love the baby elephants".  Brad: "I miss your daughter".  Mostly because he is way more into the kid than her, like most gay men are.  "Does she understand what it means if we spend more time together?"  "I dunno, she's kind of stupid like me.  I'm ready to find out.  Are you?"  Brad, with all the swagger of a man who has never spent 30 minutes with a child, "I'm ready".   "I'd never ask you to a MOVIE unless you knew I saw you as a packaged deal".

Big hug and kiss.  Brad: "The conversation was perfect."  What an idiot.

Dinner.  He's nervous, she's falling in lurve.  Emily: "I'm focusing on my relationship with you but, the other women are bugging me."  "I'm ready for this to be over. Don't question anything about me.  I'm excited about you, Ricky and me". 

Fantasy shag card.  This is why he is nervous.  "I'm a mom, and I want to set a good example for her.  Like by going on this ho-bag show to find a man....BUT I want to shag you in private, but slowly so nobody at home knows I slept with you".  They go to the suite.  It's kinda boring after the tree house.  She tells him she's falling in lurve with him.  "I didn't expect that at all".  He tells her he's falling in lurve with her too.  "He makes me the happiest person on the world...Brad is the right person for me."

Let me say, right now, before we go to Ashley's date.  If he DOES NOT chose Emily, and has been stringing her along he is going to have to move to Libya to live in a country where he is not the most hated man. 

Date 3: Ashley.  After meeting her family, I have questions.  They meet and go to a helicopter.  She freaks out.  Not in a good way.  She is terrified.  It's her biggest fear, and we know he likes that.  She's terrified but they take off in the helicopter.  Hey, my husband won me by NOT making me do shit I didn't want to do.  Exhibit A: camping. 

"Africa is a large land filed with exotic animals".  Zzzzzz.  They go to God's window, which is just a rock in the mountains, and picnic.  I also think he likes his women to face their fears of peeing outside. 

"I love your family".  Brad: "Where do you want to live?"  She actually gives a real answer, not the expected "wherever you want to live daaarling.  "I don't know, near people I love."  He doesn't like that answer.  Brad: "You are so driven.  Can you allow yourself to live a life while you are trying to succeed?"  Again, she gives a complex answer to the complex question, "It's a good question I ask myself.  I want to be a good dentist, to keep current, I want to go to conferences."  Brad tells her "You remind me of myself at your becoming a dentist is totally relatable to opening a couple of bars in Texas...I wonder if I could have had more balance in my life".    "We would have been in the same place 10 years ago".  The date goes downhill from here.  Brad:" We've never talked about meshing our lives together".  Hmmm, he is looking for a reason to ditch her. 

Dinner.  "I have more questions than before".  Jeez.  She thinks they are on a path moving forward and this has been good deep conversation. Which would be a positive for anyone other than Brad, who has no interest in deep.  Ashley:" It was a very cool made me think.  I think we want the same things but I didn't communicate to you what I meant."  Brad:"  We've never talked about our future together...When I asked you where you wanted to live, you never mentioned Austin".  He is so not into her anymore.  "Why are we spending so much time reassuring each other??"  "You're looking for someone who will easily fit into your life".

She's pissed, and just eating.  Brad: "I'm happy to be here."  Ashley:" I had no idea you had so many concerns".  Fantasy suite card.  Good timing.  She wants to go.  "I'm glad you're here...kiss".  It could not be more awkward.  "We're totally off our game..."

Rose Ceremony time!  Brad chats with Chris.  This is the most difficult rose ceremony.  Ashley and I had a difficult date.  We both shut down.  I know what my decision should be but I have to talk to Ashley first. 

Rose ceremony.  Ashely looks like she ate her way through the mini bar, and is squeezed into an awful brown dress.  Brad clears his throat 10 times.  "Ashley can we talk?"  He walks her half way out the door.  "Our date sucked, I'm sorry.  I'm shocked that our relationship went so bad".  "Me too, what happened?"  Brad:"  I came loaded with questions and I backed you into a corner."  "Why do we have problems??"  "I don't know if I can fit into your life." 

"I need to tell you goodbye".  Wow, it really is that brusque.  "I'm confident in the decision, so let me walk you out".  Me yelling at the teevee "YOU CAN DO SO MUCH BETTER ASHLEY!!! LET EMILY SETTLE FOR THIS IDIOT".

"Things can change so quickly".  Not really, Brad.  Not if it's real.  Maybe your therapist can explain that to you.

He comes back, mumbles something about Ashley.  Scratches his ear for about 5 minutes, them gives out the 2 roses.  Emily is all confident and cocky. 

In 2 weeks, it's off to Capetown to meet his family.  They don't live in Capetown, but they insisted if they have to do this "meet Brad's possible wife" nonsense, they wanted a free trip too. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring 2011 Amazing Race

Ok, my lazy ass used the "to be continued" status of week 1 to weasel out of a write up, but no such excuse exists today. Amazing Race the return of "those teams that have never won". AKA losers.

We're starting in Palm Springs, where it's all unamerican GREEN WINDMILL energy. Review of the contestants, but I'm gonna skip that because, hell, we all know them intimately. Mel is 70 and Kent is still undergoing his sex change.

Welcome Back! The first team on this leg of the race will get a bonus, express pass, which does not allow them to buy gas easier but to skip a task at some point, "It's a very different race this time". No clues on the bags, you have to search the desert for the flag that represents "Queensland and Northern Territories Air Service". Last one to find it gets an automatic u-turn. Hey, here's a novel idea, look for a word that starts with a Q ya morons. As in Qantas. Mel and Mike (aka GaySon) get it first. The now engaged arguing couple, Amanda and Kris, are last. They lost due to a U-turn. Not happy.

Travel to LAX and get on one of 2 flights to Sidney, Australia. 90 minutes between the first and second flight. Unless, someone on the first flight has a heart attack and you get detoured to Hawaii. Probably some damn, FAT, smoking, BBQ eating American who is not only ruining the healthcare costs in America, but also the damn race!!

2nd flight lands first, mostly because it is Vegan Airlines. Once in Sidney, take a train to the harbor and then a ferry to the Manly Ocean World. Roadblock: Who's ready to get tanked? PICK ME!!! One member of each team has to suit up and enter a shark tank to find a compass and then use it to decode a message via nautical flags.

C'mon, nobody is gonna get chomped. This ain't cable. Mallory finds the first one, then Amanda.

The Cowboys stopped to gawk at the big city and missed the ferry.

The decoded message tells teams to go to Manly 16 Ft Skiff Sailing Club and find a captain and tell him 'I'm between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea". Cowboys get to the shark tank, "hell, we don't even take baths".

Both flights are kind of caught up at this point, everyone has their decoder ring but Vyxin is lost in the shark tank.

Gary and Mallory get the clue first, then have to sail a 16 foot skiff across the bay, and collect their clues on buoys. Globetrotters get the decoder and go to the flags. I'm totally screwed if history repeats itself with my illiterate Globes. Jaime and Cara (NFLs) team up with Margie and Luke (DeafNMom) and work together. The clue on the buoys tells teams to race for the Pitt, at Shelley Beach.

Zev and Justin tell the Globes the answer. Thank you 6 lb baby Jesus. Margie and Luke get it wrong, Zevtin won't tell them it. Brokebacks apparently are missing like most of the clue. Totally bizarre.

Gary and Mallory reach the Pitt as team #1...BUT WAIT, you're still racing! TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK...


Brokeback is still clueless, everyone else has checked into the Pitt and are continuing to race.

Pitt clue: Make your way back to Sidney and find "sail to stop" and sign up for one of two charter flights to Broken Hill. Dad and Mallory assume they are looking for a charter flight place called Sail to Stop. They are in a cab but can't tell the driver where to go.

Zev has Aspergers. I totally forgot that. I love him, he is quite funny.

You can take either a ferry or a taxi to Sidney. DeafNMom are working with NFLs again. Asian dad is a total douchebag.

Brokeback finally finish the decoder clue...

Kisha and Jen (Peepees) get in a cab whose driver takes them to the Maritime Museum, which is not the correct location but which has internet connection, which they use to figure out there is a anchor statue near the town hall called Sail to Stop.

GaySon 's dad is having leg cramps and is basically dying. They get on the ferry and he all but collapses. Son: "I don't want to kill you for a joy ride". He's crying. "How about this, I'll be responsible for my decisions". DeafNMom use a laptop on the ferry to find the anchor.

Peepees are on the first flight, as are Zevtin, NFLs, DeafNMom, GaySon and Kent/Vyxin (Freaks).

Dad and Mallory are totally lost. He wants to keep jumping in cabs, she wants to figure out where they are going. They run into the Asians, and Angry Engaged and all work together.

Brokeback checks into the Pitt.. They have no clue how to find the sail to stop clue, and just walk around all day and half the night asking people randomly on the streets. Apparently there is no internet connection on the ranch. Fortunately, the flights are the next morning and they have all night to figure it out. Second flight is Globes, Asians, Angry Engaged, Dad and Mallory and finally Brokeback.

1st flight lands, teams get cars and have to drive to the living desert. NFLs and DeafNMom stop for directions. They pass a sign welcoming them to the outback, to which Zev says "not a lot of steakhouses out here".

Detour: chose between the spirit world and the natural world. In spirit world teams have to replicate a mosaic with stones, then dance on it. In natural world, teams have to create a mural by spitting color onto a slate, leaving 4 impressions. Everyone does the spirit thing, although the angry engaged have to do both.

The freaks finish their mosaic first, but then for some creepy reason Kent wants them to "gather all the little children" and dance AROUND their mosaic.

Zev and Justin finish first. Justin says Zev is artistic..."and autistic" says Zev. Drive to Broken Hill, and find the home of the magpies.

The Asians are fighting. In Chinese...and are last.

Angry engaged finish and do the other task, which takes about 2 minutes. We do learn that Amanda is not a spitter...

Home of the magpies is the Central Football Club. And, it's a chemistry challenge! Teams have to dress like Kangaroos and armed with only a copy of the periodic table, with Mg and Bi highlighted have to hop to the corner of Mercury and Bismuth.

Zevtin and DeafNMon find woman on the street with a smart phone. She gives the the info and directions. Mid hop, Margie realizes she lost part of her costume and has to go back to find it. Zevtin get the clue first: drive to Junction Mine, home of the next Pitt stop. Change your hopper shoes first. "owww, I just slammed my tail in the door".

Zev and Justin are team #1!! They win a trip to Cancun. Zev wants a nap. LOL.

GaySon dad picked up Margie's shoe cover, and when he gives it to her she tells them where to go.

This big gang of 'roos find the corner and get their next clue. Left are the Asians, Dad and Mallory and the Angry Engaged. The Asians and Dad/Mallory are trying to work together but Asian Dad is a dick. Mallory takes off following where everyone else went, and Asian Dad says, "Mallory is hysterical". They go the wrong way and have to backtrack. "Don't shout, your voice carries". What a total control freakin DICK.

They find the clue and get ready to drive. Mallory says she has a map with the place on it. "She doesn't know where it is". "Mallory is very impulsive". They part ways and the Asians get lost. LOL. Dad and Mallory check in. It's down to the Asians and the Angry Engaged. Asians step on the mat. "Give us some good news, Bill". Engaged are the last team to arrive and are eeeeliminated.

1Zev and Justin     Ginnie
2Flight Time and Big Easy      Elayne
3Jet and Cord              Donna
4Lakisa and Jennifer          Matt and Kevin
5Margie and Luke           Tess and Susan
6Mel and Mike             Jeff and Eileen
7Kent and Vyxsin          Lori
8Jaime and Cara            Amy
9Gary and Mallory          Joanne
10Ron and Christina        Karen and John

Bye Bye.
11Amanda and Kris       Terri

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Suirvivor Redemption: Week 2

Sooo, Francesca gets to Redemption Island. It's sparse.  Only rice and water.  She's running around with a lamp in her hand trying over and over again to make a fire.  Um, is that a battery operated lamp in your hand??

Tribe O.  Wow, was that a wild tribal council or what??  Kristina thinks, "that didn't go well...".  Ya think? 

Rob: Kristina and Phillip were lying.  Phillip tries to kiss Rob's ass, "you'll have my vote for the rest of the time I'm here".  Rob thinks he's delusional.  "Government jobs are apparently really stressful". 

Rob to the rest of the tribe: "We're a 6 member alliance.  Phillip has to go but let's win some challenges before we let him go." 

Phillip is out crab hunting with a big sharp spear.  He's crouching and darting through the jungle, in his red underwear which I am sure is terrifying for the crabs.  Everyone else is watching him and laughing.   Now he's literally crying about being a federal agent and Francesca doubting his trustworthiness.  Seriously, can someone check out his file and see why he is NO LONGER a fed? 

Tribe Z.  Russell thinks Ralph is the dumbest survivor ever.  He also needs another dumb girl for his harem.  He chooses Kristen and Stephanie, then talks them into looking for the idol with him.  2 other tribe members are watching the whole thing.  Ralph's out collecting rocks for...I dunno.  He stumbles over the idol.  LOL.  "That was as simple as wiping your hiney with toilet paper". 

O.  Are Matt and Andrea  hooking up?  Rob is all over that.  She's gonna walk her puppy dog all over this island.  Take it from me...  I gotta break this up.  Rob talks to Natalie- he wants to be sitting next to her at the end.  Tells  her Andrea or Matt, one of them are next. 

Challenge: Jeff is in a disappointing light blue.  Phillip mouths off about outlasting anyone.  Uhuh. 

The challenge is a little pool.  Swim to a platform, smash a tile and get a key.  Collect all keys, open a box, get a bean bag and play bean bag tile smash.  Wanna know what you're playing for?  Immunity and fishing gear. 

Ok, the swim thing is lame as shit, and ends up pretty much a tie.  Both teams have their bean bags.  It's Ralph vs Phillip for the toss.  Phillip gets  his first one.  Ralph gets one.  Phillip misses, Ralph gets his tile.  Repeat 3x.  It's 4 to 1 Ralph.  Phillip picks it up and it's tie.  Ralph and team Z win immunity. 

Z: Russell grabs the basket of fishing gear because he thinks it holds a clue, which it does and which he finds.  Ralph sees Russell find the clue and spills the beans.  Sarita tells Mike about the clue.  Russell shows his female vampires the clue.  Ralph confronts Russell about the clue.  Russell says he doesn't have the clue, and "I'm not liking how your coming at me".  OMG, can I just comment on Ralph without a shirt?  Hairiest mother I have ever seen. 

And now for Redemption Island...Francesca gets her luxury item, which is a journal. 

O: Phillip wants to give a speech.  "I thought you all performed gallantly.  I wish I had performed my best.  I will leave it up to the tribe to decide my fate".  OMG, he is so damn annoying.  Rob: "Phillip, you did good.  We win and lose as a team".   Matt, however, congratulated the other team on their win, which is SO NOT WITH THE SURVIVOR PROTOCOL.  Totally pissed Rob off. 

Kristina asks Phillip if he's worried.  "No, I am a strong man".  She's playing the idol. 

Rob and the team.  Rob wants Andrea or Matt gone.  Grant argues for Matt.  4 people are for Matt.  They tell Andrea they are splitting the vote.  "Matt is playing textbook survivor, but he's playing with me". 

They all talk, "split the votes between Kristina and Phillip".  But the real vote is 4 for Matt.  Phillip asks Rob who to vote for.  "I don't know yet".  Matt: "Everyday Rob impresses me".  LOL, you're about to be impressed over to Redemption Island. 

Rob and Phillip take a walk.  "You have to behave this week at tribal, Phillip.  I will put my right hand on the person who is going at tribal, and you vote for that person".  They do the man hug. 

Tribal, Jeff is in dark blue. 

Phillip, does this game bring out the animal in people?  He spews some crazy shit about the gorilla and the lion.

Rob: Phillip is a good competitor and he takes the loss hard. 

Matt: Phillips admitted he should be voted out but it's tough to vote for someone after 1 mistake.

Phillip: When I get to redemption, I will meet my nemesis, Franchesqua.

Matt, is redemption the big deal our high paid marketing group came up with?  "Um, sure, sure, Jeff.  Especially with the added surprise of how many people come back and when". 

It starts to rain, and a BIG crack of thunder just as Rob puts his hand on Kristina's shoulder. 


Anyone have an idol, and not stupid enough to not use it?  Kristina plays the idol. 

Kristina 2 votes, Phillip 2 votes, and Matt gets 4.  Ashley is totally confused.

Well, tribe, your first Vicious blindside!!