Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Survivor: One Karma

Ding dong the witch is dead, which old which? The green shirted gay bigoted witch.  Say it with me people, KARMA IS A BITCH. 

So, last week Monica went.  Alicia is thrilled and is laughing.  I'm with the guys.  She and Colton are just mean bitches to Christina.  "Good luck, you might be making an alliance with a hermit crab" "You're this season's cockroach" "You're gone, even if we merge".  They also refuse to give her a place to sleep.  Bitches.

On the beautiful people tribe, Kat is telling everyone she had a dream that Alicia killed her at the mall.  Which is frankly entirely possible. 

Tree mail: "Silly and Sweet".  Troyzan is already to eat some sweets so he declares "we're kicking their ass".

The challenge is to bounce coconuts on a trampoline and smash giant drum things.  The reward is a trip to the Survivor Ben and Jorge Ice Cream Parlor.    Colton begs his team "pleasepleasepleaase".  I hate Colton.  Maybe if you wanted friggin ice cream you should have kept your best player, huh douchebag?

Everyone pretty much sucks at first.  Colton sucks, Alicia and her fat ASS suck.  Christina misses and apparently doesn't run fast enough and Colton freaks out and yells "Run you stupid bitch".  It is surprisingly tied.  Alicia sucks so bad Jeff tells her his nephew throws harder.  Troyzan throws the winning shot!  SUCK ON NOTHING COLTON. 

Colton ignores his and fat assed Alicia's dismal performances and says Christina can quit, wait 2 days to be voted off or jump in the fire and be medivac'd off because he HATES HATES HATES everything about her.

Ice cream social is just a bunch of beautiful people eating ice cream and loving life.

Colton and Alicia are really bagging on Christina.  Jonas thinks they're a little over the top.  No need to get so personal and twist the knife so badly.  Christina talks to Leif (oh, who is just a little monkey in these challenges!) and says you know if we merge Alicia is going to go back to the girls alliance and you will not have the numbers...She promises to vote with them.  Alicia and her fat ass are standing behind her and she claps and says "Game over suck at this game".  And then she just basically goes nuts on Christina, how she's a loser, how Alicia is done done done done with you.  It's pretty dramatic and Jonas and Leif are watching the whole thing. 

Colton has a headache and is laying with his head in Christina's lap while she mothers him.  Me?  I'd be banging pots and making a ton of annoying headachy noise.  Tarzan tells him he's dehydrated and needs to drink more water.  Privately Tarzan says he thinks Colton might be having appendicitis. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.  Colton, like most wolves, walks off into the wilderness to lay down and die.  Excellent idea!  Christina finds him and runs to get medical.  It's the best 5 minutes of this entire season. 

Jeff: We have to take you out.  Colton: Can I give someone the immunity idol?  Jeff: That's up to you. So they bring the entire tribe over for the big goodbye scene.  He keeps the idol and Alicia is PISSSSSED.  "Colton is a spoiled brat.  He screwed me". 

Jonas is upset because Colton loved the game.  Oh, and for those of you suggesting they bring Colton back?  They could do that but most people have seen his strategy and he wouldn't last a day, IMO.  Jonas also things it might be wiser to get rid of fat assed Alicia. 

Tree mail:  No win, no loss both tribes go to tribal tonight.  The beautiful people tribe is freaking out.  Jonas is like OH SNAP!! 

And then there is some really nasty scene where Alicia asks Tarzan if he will be her friend?  He says yes.  Christina asks  him too and he says NO.  What a dick.  He says Leif and Jonas would be my friends too. 

Christina tells the guys that she is with them.  Leif and Jonas are leaning towards Alicia.  Leif talks to Tarzan, Tarzan is all Christina is a suck up who just tells people what they want to hear.  Leif says, "that sounds more like Alicia".. But for some reason Tarzan is a fan of the fat ass. 

Alicia is still pissed about the idol.

Tribal.  Both teams come in.  Oooh, Where's Colton??  Jeff explains that he had emergency surgery on his appendix. Kat doesn't know what an appendix is.  Most people say they have had theirs out. 

Troy, will this change the game?  Yes although I am sad for Colton. Kim says, yea, it's tough but that's one person down! 
Alicia interrupts and says "Oh Sabrina, he said thanks for the idol. He took it with him".  Hmmmmm.  Sabrina do you believe that?  Yea, he liked it.  Chelsea doesn't believe he kept if and if he did they wouldn't admit it.  Tarzan says some shit about "Colton told her to say that", which makes it even more murky.  Kat is still worrying about this whole appendix thing and how she can "not hurt mine". 

Drop your buffs, we're merging.  1 tribe, 6 men and 6 women.  Will the old tribe alliances hold?? 

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