Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Survivor: Yul be Sorry!

Welcome to the Survivor blog and boy does it feel weird to do something so ordinary as keep up with the update!  Just curious, anyone interested in a live zoom discussion of the season so far?  I'd be happy to use my mad new skilz and set it up!

We begin in Exile with all the famous gang together.  Parv is telling her pity story about her against one with no one to help her.  Pretty soon she'll blame her child for taking away her only means of game play- sex.   Sandra says she gave Denise her idol and she backstabbed her.  Everyone is all WHY DID YOU TRUST HER??? Parv asks how they are surviving and the group explains they get a little bit of rice every day and Sandra is like, NOPE.  I AM OUTTA HERE!!  I totally don't blame her for not sitting around for another 15 days eating a scoop of rice and doing ridiculous challenges just for a chance to go up against everyone in a physical challenge.  On the way out she exclaims GET DENISE FOR ME!! 

So, Da Queen is officially the first person out and Julia and Lori will now get Alternate 1, Kim.

On Blue Yul says tribal council sucked.  Wendell got into it with Parv and apparently said "make me an offer".  Yul isn't happy.  He talks to Wendell and either Wendell said nothing or it was edited to look like Wendell just sat there.  He does tell Yul, "I appreciate your honestly" which is pretty meaningless.  He also tries to apologize to Michelle who tells him it "created chaos", and they get into it because  he thinks she was "schooling him" in game play.  "Let me play my game".  Yul asks Michelle how her conversation went with him says his went fine.  "He's different with you".  Michelle says she thinks Wendell is convinced she is going to stay true to him but "I don't want to move forward with him".

Exile again.  Ethan is talking to Parv about how hard it is and how depressing to battle every day.  She points out how good it will feel when it's all over and he is done, says he has done worse.  He says that he wonders how his body will react to this level of stress, which is a legit question he should have asked months ago.  Parv says some weird shit about how great fasting is for you, which is some privileged girl shit NO POOR HUNGRY PERSON has ever said.  

They all get notes and they all have to open them together.  Says there are 4 fire tokens hidden and says follow the trails to the end and then look.  Everyone takes off, Rob bolts before people even finish reading.  Tyson thinks he can make up ground to the dead end and ends up with one token.  Nobody every finds the other BECAUSE  friggin Rob hustled his old fat ass up and around and found the other 3.  "I'm the best that's ever played!"

Red:  Everyone is sitting around watching Tony be a clown.  He says he is in a good position, close to Kim and Jeremy.  Says Denise did him a favor taking out Sandra and making herself a high profile target.  Jeremy says that Tony is still the biggest threat, not Denise.  

Jeremy asks Kim how she feels and she says nervous that they don't have a good merge plan.  She says she feels really good with this group, says she likes Tony but really likes Denise and Jeremy.  Says she likes being in charge of her fate. Kim and Denise say they need a plan.  Denise asks her how she feels about their 3 and she says good.  

Green:  The had so much PB&J that they are having leftovers.  But there is real tension.  Sophie says the boys gave no idea that she has an idol in her bag.  The boys meanwhile are "bickering like old ladies".  Adam says he doesn't have the idol and goes off to look for one.  Sarah says she's going to go pretend to look as well.  Adam thinks it's obvious that they are pretending.  He tells Sophie his spidey sense is going off and he thinks Sarah has the idol.   Sarah tells him he can go through her bag if he wants and he says she doesn't have to do that.  Adam ONCE AGAIN realizes he's stepped in shit and has to do more damage control.  

Challenge:  Jeff doesn't even mention Parv and Sandra were voted off.  The challenge is to carry a giant flat dish of water through and obs course, empty it into a vessel to fill the well, repeat as needed and them complete a puzzle.  2 tribes get immunity.  

The green tribe goes REALLLLLLY slowly while everyone else is spilling their water going fast.  It pays off because they only need to do it on time to fill their well.  The end up as the first team to finish.  It's between red and blue and Wendell takes the time to talk smack to the red team, and the challenge comes down to literally half a second, red wins sending them to tribal.  

Yul (and everyone) is mad that Wendell was showboating trash and dug his own grave.  

Back at green, Michelle apologizes for the loss.  Nick says he's mad about Wendell because he was busy talking trash and not doing the puzzle.  

Nick tells Yul they shouldn't be going to tribal.  Says Wendell should go but they're going to say Michelle.  Wendell talks to Michelle- "We together?"  He says Yul is coming after him so they should vote him out. Michelle says she'll do whatever he says.  Wendell is counting on her and Nick.  

Yul tells Michelle it's Wendell.  She says she's pissed about giving him her token and not being able to get it back.  Yul says he has a plan to backstab Wendell AND get her token back.  Nick thinks Yul is getting a bit nuts and siding with him might be dangerous.  Tells Michelle and she agrees.  He asks her if she is open to keeping Wendell and she says yes, if he feels strongly about it .  Michelle says she wants Wendell out for revenge but Yul makes more sense, then she congratulates herself on this most basic level of strategy and says it proves her first win was deserved.  Oh, gurl, you keep telling yourself that.  

Jeff is smiling at them
Wendell says what?  It was not the best of days,  We were so close
Jeff asks if it changes the vote because it was so close?  Wendell says no, which is hilarious because he's not the one whose vote would change due to his fuck up
Jeff asks his prodding ISNT THE GAME NOW GREAT questions about how the game has EVOLVED and grown SO MUCH. 
Yul says it's true because he has had to lie so much this time around.  You have to vote someone out BUT make them like you enough to give you their fire tokens.  IT ADDS ANOTHER LAYER JEFF. Then he goes on this epic marketing consultant BULLSHIT rant about how the it's not a "fire token market economy to align incentives".  And right then, I WANTED HIS BUSINESS SCHOOL ASS TO GO TO EXILE.  Says if you want to do something risky you can offer someone a token to make it "palatable".  
Jeff asks if that means you have to lie
Wendell says you have to find people to trust
Jeff asks Nick if that means pre-existing relationships are important and Yul jumps in again to say yes because there is only a finite time to get to know people, build trust and strategize.  
Jeff points out that Wendell and Michelle have a relationship.
Wendell basically says that since he has had sex with her (because lets be clear they did not have many deep conversations with each other) it doesn't mean he wants to go to the end with her.  He wants people to help ME go to the end.  
Michelle rolls her eyes and says Wendell has made it clear that he's here for himself only and the pre existing relationship is meaningless (as was the sex gurl) She ways "me and Wendell are not lovers Wendell says he does care for her and her future (without him obv)
Nick says the person going to exile today without any burned bridges.  Says this is my final 4 and I would welcome the person back to work with them again
Wendell says that might be difficult for him since they'd have lied to him if he went tonight
Yul is like, what?  He says he'd be bitter but he'd like the option open because it might be his only one.  
Jeff says WOW, that's tough
Michelle says she loves all of the boys but it's the game.  

Time to vote!  And idols?  nope.
Wendell gets 1 vote and Yul is off to exile!  

Yul says good one guys!  Michelle tells Wendell she liked seeing him shaking in his boots.  

Tokens go to Sarah and Sophie.

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