Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Survivor: Children at Waaaar!

Welcome back to the Survivor weekly update!  Hope you are all doing well and are keeping yourself busy.  After all, as the bible says, idol hands lead to dead husbands/wives.  

Michelle is PISSED OFF.  She was left in the dark about Wendell going to exile.  Yes, she wanted her former lover (or as he called it, we just kickin it) voted off but she is still PISSED they didn't trust her.  She and Nick go all I HATE THESE PEOPLE!!  Nick says, ME TOOOOO AND I'M NEXT!!  He says he's gonna LET THEM HAVE IT AND GET ON THE BLOOD TRAIN.  Which frankly always goes down better when you're not wearing a Brooks Brothers navy blazer.  Tony tries to talk him down and be the voice of reason but Nick is all OUT FOR REVENGE.  

Michelle talks to the other social outcast, Adam.  He says tribal was really scary for him but he's still there.  Michelle says that THEY ARE ALL DINGBATS.  Adam says that it might be an opportunity and tells her he noticed there was a fleur de lis on the podium, which is the same symbol that was on the idol he saw and he thinks it might be a REAL idol (he also thinks he might be a REAL BOY), and ho boy wouldn't that be an epic way to save himself!  Note:  The Fleur De Lis is also the symbol of the New Orleans Saints but that too is just a coincidence and the NO Saints do not provide immunity.  

Over on Edge it's yoga on the beach time.  Fun!!  Who wouldn't want to spend a month on a yoga retreat relaxing on the beach!  Yul finds a box with little scrolls for everyone that has a clue;  Step back and assess, sometimes when history repeats itself it can lead to success.  And then everyone runs around looking for fire tokens.  People run up the "mountain" to look, and then Natalie decides they should split up because whatever it is can be spent on FOOD and she doesn't want the newbies Yul or Wendell to get any more food.  Parv and Danni go off by themselves and Danni remembers from a former season Aubry looking up the steps and seeing a cave with the idol.  They rush down and find the clue.  It's a coin flip that they can sell to anybody for an amount they chose.  They decide Michelle has the most fire tokens and decide to sell it to her for 4 tokens.  The rest of their gang finds them and they admit they have the clue and now they'll have to split the peanut butter with 6 other dirty poop under the fingernails hands.  Yea, no thanks!!

Reward Challenge:  2 teams of 5, one person sits out and has no chance.  Swim out to a net with fish on it, take the fish off of the net and hang it on a long fishing pole, Carry the pole to the puzzle station and do the puzzle.  Wanna know?  Chinese take out.  So, fake American-Chinese food flown thousands of miles to Asia.  Yum!!  They don't even try to bring in the culture of the places they are inhabiting anymore.  

2 teams:  Red: Tyson, Adam, Tony, Nick and Jeremy vs Blue: Kim, Sandra, Ben, Sarah, Michelle.   Denise isn't picked.  Bottom line, Blue wins the reward.  Sarah asks if she can give her spot to Nick.  She claims she was just being a decent human being because it was his birthday the day before.  

Back at camp everyone claims it was a huge mistake.  Adam says it puts a target on her back and Tony pulls her aside to tell her it was a stupid decision because she 'got caught up in the moment"  and being human on Survivor could cost you the game.  

Jeremy, Adam and Denise agree it was TOTAL GAME PLAY.  Jeremy thinks she should go because of it.  

The winners eat their cold greasy leftovers and open all of the fortune cookies looking for clues.  Michelle gets one that says "don't be afraid to take the step".  Michelle them returns to camp and finds the 50/50 coin in her bag and has to decide whether it's worth all of her fire tokens.  She throws it a few times to "test it" (lol) and decides to buy it.  

Immunity Challenge:  It's the stand on the floating triangle/dog house thingy challenge.  And about half way through we are introduced to the new smash hit theme song, WINNERS AT WAAAAAR.  Kim wins the challenge and has immunity.  

Kim says it's an EASY vote split between Nick and Adam as long as the big group STICKS TOGETHER.  And then the proverbial shit is thrown directly into the fan.  

Everyone is running around crazy.  Nick tells Tyson that Sophie is throwing his name out there.  Jeremy and Tyson confer and decide Adam.  or Sophie....or maybe SARAH.  They tell Michelle it's Sarah and she's1000% in.  

Denise tells Kim it's now maybe Sarah.  
Kim tells Tyson she doesn't want Sarah.  Tyson tells her Adam is the one pushing Sarah, and he's more dangerous.  

Michelle tells Tyson they've changed to Adam.  Jeremy is like WHAT THE HELL?
Tyson tells Tony that Adam was pushing Sarah.  Tony says that's a big mistake, brother, and he'll learn.

Ben confronts Adam and asks him who said he and Sarah were too close.  Adam says, presidentially, "a lot of people say that".  Ben demands, DID YOU SAY THAT??  Adam is all hum um hum um and Ben walks away.  Adam says what does it matter?  And Ben says it matters to him and he keeps walking away.


Adam is now mad because Ben talks to him like he's a child and he plays just the same as Rob.  He's PISSED OFF NOW.

Nick ask Jeremy if his name is out there and Jeremy says yes.

Ben tells Tony that Michelle told me you said me.  Ben is like an old woman.  

Tyson and Michelle are still saying Sarah.

Everyone is all WHO ARE WE VOTING FOR???  

Adam decides he has to go for that podium idol.  


Whew.  And just when I thought the whole WHO ARE WE VOTING FOR thing was over it's just beginning....

Sarah says this has been a cagey game with lots of blindsides but it's not cagey anymore!  She says names are flying everywhere and it's now a save yourself solo game.

Tyson agrees that everyone was running around

Jeremy ways it was like a fire on one side of a highway and then WOOSH it jumps the highway and the wind picks it up.  He says he's never seen anything like it.

Nick says there are the easy votes being thrown around,him. Tyson and Adam.  And then there were other names.  He says he's tired of not being treated like a player and he's ready to join someone (and then people just start talking to each other)

And in the middle of everyone talking Ben and Adam get into it.  Ben says this is just like camp all over again.  

Adam says Ben wouldn't talk to him.  Ben says he asked him a question and he refused to answer.  Adam says he wasn't going to throw someone under the bus. 

The jury discuss how paranoid Ben is

Adam says he's had Ben's back and Ben asks HAVE YOU??
Adam asks why people keep voting for him, suggests Ben is telling people to vote for him.  
Ben says Adam creates chaos.  Asks Adam how many times he's had to say "sorry" to people
Adam says he's being a player but if he thinks someone is coming after him...
Ben brings up the tribal when they blindsided Rob
Adam says he's doing what he has to do .  

I'm wondering if we can vote BOTH OF THESE PUSSIES OFF

Adam asks the group WHO ARE YOU ALL WRITING DOWN??
Tony says we already told you
Tony says "should we just say it now?  We go up to the little room. we write down a name, we vote and Jeff reads the vote"
Adam says I'M CONCERNED IT'S MEEEEE..... (Shit if it wasn't before it should be now...)

Jeff says, so Nick, that all felt like war...
Nick says yea but now I trust my place better...
Adam says but if he thinks that way NOW I'M WORRIED IT'S MEEEEEEEEE.  IS IT MEEEEE??


Time to vote!  Any idols?  Adam gets up and tries to pull the fleur de lis off of the Jeff-stand.  It doesn't move.  He says I guess it's not an idol.  Jeff says, "You're convinced it's not??"  Adam gets all excited and says I WANT TO PLAY THAT PIECE OF DECORATION.  Jeff says that would be historic if that was an idol.  That...is.....NOT AN IDOL.  LOL!!!

Sarah gets 1 vote, Nick gets one and Adam is off to exile!  He gives Denise his token and says "screw you" to the rest.  

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