Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Survivor Merge Week!

Happy Wednesday and welcome to the MERGE WEEK UPDATE, when WE START REALLY REALLY PLAYING SURVIVOR!  Hey, anyone know how they are going to handle the finale??  More locked down than the last one I guess because the virus is way worse than just having s sexual predator hanging around.  

So we start this MERGE WEEK at the Edge and it's RETURN CHALLENGE DAY.  Everyone is using their fire tokens to buy advantages and I swear Natalie says something about buying immunity but no idea what that means.  Amber gives her tokens to Rob.  

At the challenge all of the remaining players WHO ARE NEW SCHOOL come in.  Drop your buffs!  Ben repeats, just to grate on my already bad nerves that "this is where the battle begins".  GRRRR.  

C'mon in Exile!  All of the OLD SCHOOL players hobble in and we have a bunch of blah blah blah shit about how hard it has been to stick it out.  Yea, talk to Natalie who has been there from day 1.  Jeff asks Rob if it's friggin romantic being on exile with Amber, which says a whole hell of a lot about Jeff's views on being romantic.  Trust me, that Pottstown Motel  experience told ME that.....  Rob says wtf dude, no it's terrible and my poor wife got sent here because of me.  Seriously, show of hands, how many of you still think being exiled in the luxury of your home with your spouse is "romantic"??  

So the battle to get back in involves an obstacle course, that whole make a long stick and get a key thing, digging up sandbags and finally the ol snake vertical snake puzzle.  The advantage they bought means their sandbags are laying on top of the sand, not buried.  I think only Parv, Yul, Amber and Danni don't have the advantage.  It's close and in the end it comes down to Rob and Tyson, and Tyson manages to win, complements to Jiff peanut butter!  Everyone goes back to Edge where they will wait one more chance to return and will also now become the first 7 members of the jury further screwing up my Alternate player scenario.  

Back at the merged camp there is a new menu of fire token prices and they have gone way up.  Tony only has one so he is very happy that the merge feast is free.  Sarah says the lines are now all blurred.  She asks what happened to Sandra and Denise tells her the story of the idols.  Sophie says it was like an old guy in a bar telling a war story of being the queen slayer, and that now Denise has a resume.  

Tyson says he is the only old school person, and he wonders if the young schoolers have changed the game too much for him to compete.  Says he'd get rid of himself on day 1. 

Adam is happy to have real shelter.  Wendell says he has Nick and MIchelle in his corner but he needs more numbers.He approaches Jeremy who says he is outside the game again.  They both agree that Sophie and Denise are really playing the game.  Jeremy wants to work with Wendell but not with Nick.  He wants to be Wendells's #1.  

Tyson tells Ben that he tried too hard earlier.  They agree on a strategy of Tyson, Ben, Jeremy and Tony.  Ben says the game is about big threats and little threats.  He says that having Jeremy and Tony is music to his ears.  He says "now it's time to get rid of all of the sleepers" and Tyson says that's music to his ears.  

It's raining and everyone is miserable.  Tyson, Nick and Wendell talk and Tyson says he's heard it's Denise.  Wendell says he wants to vote off people playing a winners game.  

Challenge: It's cold and wet and the girls are shivering in their bathing suits, which is strange because when we do the challenge they have all changed into their clothes.  Maybe they were keeping them dry.  Or the little Asian Survivor laundry lady was slow today with her delivery. 

Its the pole hug.  One man and one woman will get immunity and a fire token.  Denise and Jeremy win.  Saving Denise's ass,  

Jeremy says his plan is to get rid of Wendell's current BFF Nick so he can be his new BFF, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he organized it.  Ben, Tyson and Jeremy talk and Ben suggests Nick.  Tyson says he wants to get rid of the "lower people" to shield his ass and Ben says that Nick is getting on everyone's nerves.  

Jeremy suggests to Nick that it's Adam.  Ben tells a big group that it's between Nick or Wendell.  Sophie says she prefers Wendell because he and Jeremy are "bro-ing" out.  

Sophie says that the big guys are saying Wendell or Nick but that Jeremy is pushing Nick because he wants to align with Wendell.  Ben tells Jeremy that the group wants Wendell.  Jeremy says that's a BAD DECISION and he doesn't want that.  

Wendell tells Nick that it's Adam.  Jeremy also gets in on it and says "let's just all go Adam".  He then goes around to Sarah, Kim, Tony and Michelle and says "let's do Adam".  

Jeremy talks to Denise and asks Nick or Adam?  She says there is no ripple effect and she can go either way.  Although from day 1 she was in an alliance with Adam she says it may not be a day 31 alliance.  

Sophie talks to Adam and tells him it's not about him.  He says that no one hasn't told him the plan and he's scared.  He's also a pussy but that's for another day...

Tyson says the game is now different and he doesn't want to go back to Exile.  He says he has tightened his filter
Sophie says he has come back with less baggage than the rest of them now have.
Tyson now says he has a strategic point of view not a personal one and that the dynamics have changed since the merge. 
Denise says this is a defining vote solidifying relationships, which I think shows how little she understands how fast shit is gonna flip flop to the end.  
Wendell isn't sure if it will be defining but it will tell some things.  He is hoping he has the right ears
Adam says the conversations are really brief and quick.  He wanted longer talks but no one was interested
Nick says that constantly double checking with people makes you look paranoid
Sophie says you have to be OK with not being in every conversation and not being constantly in the loop
Sarah says it takes a while to see if the name you've heard is the name.  
Jeremy says no one wants to throw names out (well, except him) 
Adam still isn't sure what is happening.  
Tony says he's just taking a "as long as it's not me and swimming with the current" attitude.

Any idols?  Nope.  
Adam gets 3 votes and Wendell is out with at least 8 votes.  Nick asks Michelle if she knew and she ways no.  Wendell gives MIchelle and Nick his tokens.  

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