Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Survivor: Family Vacation

Good afternoon and welcome to Survivor Quarantine!  Any one else notice I am WAY MORE compliant in getting these out every week when trapped in a house with a husband and 2 pain in the ASS dogs?  

This will be a short update because frankly I stopped taking notes with all of this family shit.  Couple of thought bubbles though:

1) Is CBS really that fucking cheap that they had to get Fiji Airlines to fly the families to Fiji??  C'mon.  40 seasons of possibly the cheapest show to film and edit and they need a bailout too??  

2) Did anyone else notice how COMPLETELY UNINTERESTED these kids were at seeing their moms or dads?  What the hell?  Were they all completely jet lagged by that shitty Fiji Airlines low budget back of the plane flight or was CBS unable to get corporate sponsors for them to also eat, shower and sleep?  I kept wondering if there were, as normal, 100 production members standing off screen holding up hand puppets.  Maybe Jeff Probst really a nasty mean asshole and all the children were afraid of him?  Hmmmmm.  

3) Most of my reaction to these family situations are along these lines: DO NOT KISS ME UNTIL YOU HAVE BRUSHED YOUR DAMN TEETH.  It's disgusting to me!!  

4) And most importantly, whose agent got this familyvisit for EVERYONE written into the contract?  Someone should give that man (or woman) a bonus!

Total waste of 20 minutes.  So after all of this crap Jeff says the challenge will be for all the adults and teens to swim way out to the ocean leaving the children on the beach with him.  Naaaaah, I was just kidding (and the producers didn't accept my challenge idea).  So it's back to the beach FOR EVERYONE, including the losers at Exile!  

Anyone else curious if the kids and grandma have to shit in the ocean like we are supposed to believe the players do?  Yea, you KNOW that's bullshit especially this "celebrity" season and that there is always a group of porta potties right behind the tree line- and the fancy ones with running water like the ones those annoying couples who want to be married in ridiculously inappropriate "natural" settings are forced by their parents to rent because "what about grandma's colitis??"  

Back to the game with a challenge for immunity and  2 fire tokens.  The challenge is that wobbly table held up by a rope one where the survivors have to go back and forth trying to spell IMMUNITY with blocks.  My husband immediately says "I'd be fucked by the spelling part of that challenge".  I'm like, "you'd be fucked by the complete inability to fix any wobbly table in this house" part of that challenge.  

Tony wins his first challenge in 3 seasons and is NYC proud!  Strutting around saying "slow and steady is not what I'm made of!"  They return to camp and "when you have the power people come to you".  

Jeremy talks to Tony and wants Sarah out.  He says he is all alone and thinks Sarah and Sophie are too close.  Tony is all NOPE.

Sarah talks to Tony and says Kim is dangerous.  Tony suggests Tyson.  Sarah thinks talking to Tony is like talking to a rock (correct, and also proves what 25 years of TV detective shows have shown-that women have to be so much smarter in everything and especially police work).  She says this is a crucial decision and he isn't listening.  We need to get together!

Tony asks Nick and Ben if they want to vote Jeremy off. 

Jeremy calls Kim over and they agree they have no friends and need to stick together.  With Tyson and Denise and Michelle.  They agree to play to the end.  Kim tells him she has an idol, and they decide to vote out Sarah.  

Ben, Tony, Nick and Sarah decide Jeremy.  Sophie considers using the steal a vote advantage.  Says tonight is WAR!


Nick says it finally feels like they are playin' the game

Aaaand the whispering and talking begins again....

Tony says he is glad he has the necklace tonight!
Sophie says the whispering could go on all night.
Jeff asks Kim what triggers the whispering and she says you can never know what is going on and it triggers people's paranoia and the need to keep checking if the plan is the plan.
Jeremy says this season is like everyone's season but on steroids

Time to vote?  Jeremy and Sarah both start to say something and then are both "you go ahead.,,,,no your go ahead"...  Then they are both quiet,  Jeff says Let's Vote!  And they both start to talk again.  Jeremy uses his skip a vote advantage-he can't be voted off but he also can't vote.  He also leave tribal but didn't.  

Which starts the scramble again.  Sophie says "hey guys, why don't all 5 of us go over here and make a decision?  

Time to vote now?  Sarah uses her steal a vote and takes Denise's vote.  

Time to vote now?  Yes. But afterwards Kim plays her idol for Denise.  

Denise gets 2, does not count.
Sarah gets 2
Tyson gets 4 and is off again to Exile.  

Kim is bummed because she almost used her idol for him!  

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