Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Survivor: Extortion is Not Illegal

So last week at Tribal Jeremy used his idol and apparently did leave tribal.  Not sure how I missed that!  He's the only one back at camp and is happy with his execution of the idol.  Everyone slowly arrives back at camp except Tyson.  Tony is all what happened??  I thought we had a plan!  

Ben, Sophie, Sarah, Nick and Tony are miffed that Jeremy left and took their target away.  It was a crazy tribal but they decide to stick with the plan and again go after Jeremy.  

Jeremy tells Ben he is on the chopping block.  Ben says basically YUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!  He tells Jeremy that his is a big risk. Jeremy says he wanted Tyson to stay because he was his shield.  This whole "keep someone that's more of a target than I am" thing seems like it has a constant ability to bite one on the ass.  

Michelle says to Kim, this is a mess!!!  It's chaotic and we can't keep playing like this.  Michelle, Kim, Jeremy and Denise are all commiserating about being on the bottom. 

Tony, who is playing a much different less manic, game is being pensive.  In the past he could never find any idols so now that no one is watching him 24/7 he decides to go out  Idol shopping.  Nick also goes out and shows up near Tony cramping his style.  Tony sends him to the water well, where he has already looked, to check for an idol.  "Lookin, lookin, lookin, and as happens EVERY FLIPPING TIME he finds an idol.  

Meanwhile Sarah is working on her social game, creating her own clothing line and having everyone model them in a "fashion show".  Tony realizes that they play different games and Sarah really kills the social game.  Tony decides to do "undercover work" because he never gets to do that in real life.  He tells Jeremy some story that everyone was telling him to vote for Sophie.  He tells Kim he's working with her too.  Jeremy and Michelle discuss whether or not they want to work with Tony and decide yes.  They believe they now have 5 with Michelle, Jeremy, Kim, Denise and now Tony.  

On edge, Tyson and Yul talk about how some people can handle it and some can't and I'm all excited that Adam is going to drop out and relieve my anxiety about those alternates but, nope.  Natalie and Parv are out doing something and they find a note in a bottle with a message:

Goal was so clear to be crowned best of the best but with my fire gone its now a difficult test.  Yet I'll crawl if I must, there's no way I'll rest for to lie down now would be the end of my quest.  

They decide not to tell anyone and start looking, climbing all the way up to the top of the "mountain".  Once there they re read the message and realize it's under the bed which is a problem because there is always some one there.  They strategize and then decide Natalie will stay back when everyone goes to look at the sunset. She finds the tiny scroll and they read that it's an extortion advantage which allows THEN to extort someone for fire tokens.  They can chose a player and block him/her from both competing in the immunity challenge and voting at tribal.  They decide to use it on Tony for money and also because they know he would never give up an opportunity to vote at tribal.  

Tony gets the note and is OVER THE MOON!! He's so excited that HE gets to do a little extortion since he's usually on the other side of the law.  He keeps reading an is so into it! IS THIS ILLEGAL MAN!! He CAN'T WAIT TO USE IT!!. And then he finally reads the part about it being used AGAINST him for 6 fire tokens and he's WHAT???  THIS IS ILLEGAL!!!  LOL!!  6 fire tokens is double what he has and I have been wondering why not ask for a large amount and make someone have to borrow money.  

Tree mail!  And now Tony's time is getting short for deciding what to do.  Tony thinks he'll approach his fake alliance first and tell them if he can't vote it will hurt them.  Michelle tells him she has no fire tokens and concocts a story about having given hers to but an advantage AT EXILE  because she doesn't want him to know she already bought an advantage.  He buys her story.  She tells him Jeremy probably has one token so he asks him.  He says that would be really bad for us so yes I can give you my 1 token.  He has 4 tokens but not enough so he has to go to his "real alliance".  Nick and Ben both give him a token and he has enough to pay the extortion just in time for him to participate in the immunity challenge.  

IC is to stand on a beam balancing a statue with a long pole.  Tony wins immunity and 2 tokens.  He's over the moon how it all worked out, and vows they are going for Jeremy.  

Kim says yay for Tony and 2 in a row puts a target on his back.  She knows he's playing Jeremy but she doesn't have the numbers to do anything.  Only option is to beg.

They're all sitting around the fire and Sophie thinks there has to be more idols floating around.  Denise and Kim talk to Jeremy and say "you tell us".  Jeremy says he knows they are coming for him.  Kim suggests Ben.  Denise says she feels like a double agent but she thinks it's time for Jeremy.  

Jeremy says although he liked Ben at the time, that hat is really starting to bug him (ok, the hat part is me) and Denise and Kim want him to go.  

Tony says that since he's safe it's time for him to blindside someone.  Sophie is too close to Sarah.  He thinks Jeremy and Michelle will go along but he needs Nick but is going to wait until the last minute.  

Nick thinks they all have the numbers to get rid of Jeremy.  If we tell Jeremy, Nick and Michelle that we can save them by voting out Sophie they'll go along.  

At the last minute before Tribal, Tony tells Jeremy that everyone was going to vote for him but if they instead vote Sophie they can save him.  Jeremy is all WHY IS THIS HAPPENING AT THE LAST MINUTE??  Tony says unless you go along everyone is voting for you.  Jeremy says he wants Ben gone and isn't sure if he should trust Tony.  Tony is worried that Jeremy doesn't believe him and Kim and Denise have jumped ship on him.  


Sophie says you can never go to tribal thinking you know the plan.
Ben says last time I had no idea and tonight he's again waiting for another bomb to go off.
Jeremy says people are telling half myths and you have to pick through the lies.
Sarah says people are trying to build resumes.  
Nick-says people are also making moves without trying to get credit or blame so that at the end you can do a big surprise! That blindside was mine.  
Sophie says there's also the issue of people having long resumes without quality and a lot of resume padding is going on.
Jeremy says it takes timing,  Last time he did his detective work and had to play his idol last time but he's not comfy today.  
Ben says it's been really quiet around him all day.
Michelle says that she was also told one plan and agreed to it so she's nervous she's out of the loop
Tony says it's a simple plan tonight because everyone was exhausted  from last time and just want a quiet easy night,
Sarah says something about it being psychological warfare and everyone being smart enough to figure it out.  A blindside is a sense of pride.  
Time to vote.  Any idols?  Nope.
Jeremy 3
Michelle 2
And Sophie is gone with an idol in her pocket!

Ben: BOOM!

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