Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Survivor Africa Week 1 Part 2

When we left off, Jeff had just extinguished the ugly inside and out Michelle's torch. Team Fang headed back to camp with GC as it's new leader. Next morning GC starts to lead, giving out a few orders and Crystal just stands around with a "what choo talking 'bout" look on her face. Ever positive Randy announces it's time for the "let everyone crash and burn" while I stand around looking stupid strategy.

During the next night, the elders (Randy and Colleen) are snoring up a storm and GC gets up to do the laundry. Next, a few of the others join him and sit around the ol campfire talking. Colleen busts on them that there's time enough in the daytime for talking, let me sleep. (Karen, I did in fact, think of you...) Funny, I always thought old people didn't need as much sleep. GC gets pissed and quits as leader.

Over on Kota, Marcus, Charlie, Jacque and Corrine form an alliance. Corrine is living up to her self proclaimed "bitch".

Challenge Time: It's called Rolling Stone but it is really Rolling Ball of Paper Mache. Funny how they found 2 boulders with the exact, perfectly round shape, one with red and one with orange squares glued on them. Fang shows up wearing charcoal war paint to inspire themselves. Wanna know what you're playing for? Immunity up for grabs plus fishing gear. Ok, first of all, all we see is wild animals roaming around, and 2 small alligator filled ponds, and they give them fishing gear? C'mon, haul out the rifles and bullets and let's have some real eating.

Both teams push the paper mache balls through some gates, climb up and get some keys, unlock some padlocks and then have to roll the balls into little bamboo squares. Kota does a better job of acting like the ball is really heavy and is rewarded with the win. Dan is sent to exile "island" (yes, my husband did wake up and say, "wait, there are islands in the middle of Africa??).

Once on exile, he gets to chose a clue or comfort (which, in my mind, an apple and an open air hut is not comfort). He chooses a clue which states he has to look in the sandy crater across the way. Um, I'm not any big genius, but I believe by the use of the words "sandy crater" would have indicated it wasn't in the middle of the lake. Idiot. He then proceeds to dig in the grass randomly, just like my dog does.

Back at Fang, Colleen is still blowing smoke up their butts: "I know we lost but we're getting better". Although I want to, I'll skip giving you all the "this kind of false self esteem bullcrap is what's wrong with America" speech this time-but know it's coming. Knowing someone has to go, Colleen and Susie discuss how the young 'ums are going to start kicking off the elderly. Randy manages to use his reading glasses to make a fish hook and catches a fish. The Fang tribe declares themselves "survival experts".

Dan drags his butt back from exile and is really out of it. The others think he's acting strangely and believe he found the idol. What a friggin joke. At tribal council Dan dumps his back to prove that he does not have it. In the end, Gillian is voted off. Randy looks pleased.

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