Thursday, October 9, 2008

Survivor Update Week 3 (2 in my book)

So, week 2 of the show is already day 7, which surprised me. Fang, who is already down a couple people just realized they are running low on rice, so none of this eating 3 times a day. Randy says, "hell yes, I don't need to eat 3 times a day". No, Randy, in fact you could live off your belly fat for the entire 30 days. Today's Randy Weather: Sunny with a smattering of GC hatred.

Over on the Sunshine Tribe, they are at least eating better with the fishing equipment. But, not a lot of good chakras going down Ace's way. Paloma hates him. Sugar, on the other hand, is using all of her wily pole dancer skills on Ace. It appears to be working. Paloma at one point suggests that Ace's accent isn't even real. LOL. I was thinking the same thing. Ace is a "fashion photographer". 'Nuf said. Paloma is a waitress, which I think continues the 17 season unbroken string of nasty waitresses. Charlie, I believe, continues to function as the brains of this team.

Reward Challenge: POW Camp Hijinks. I really don't know what the real name given to this challenge was but is basically consisted of someone trying to hold onto a pole and getting the crap beat out of them by 2 members of the opposing team. Think Rodney King without the nightsticks.

First up, Ace assumes a zen position on his pole while GC and Matty attempt to rip him off. Dan takes on Marcus and Charlie, who I believe are getting a little too into it. Kota wins the first round. For the second round, Ace makes the ridiculous choice of having Paloma take a hit on the pole. Um, doesn't Sugar have some experience with hanging on poles? Susie takes the pole for Fang. Bob and Sugar attack for Kota , Cystal and Randy for Fang. This round lasts about 10 seconds as 90 lb Paloma is carried over the line.

Round 3: Ace and Dan back on the poles (I could not understand why so few people were used for this physical challenge), with Crystal and Matty taking on Ace, Marcus and Bob taking on Dan. This is a long drawn out ass whupping, with Crystal getting back to her Olympian fighting spirit. Unbelievable, Ace must have lost his magic mojo crystal, because Fang wins the challenge.

Fang gets bedding and the chance to send Sugar to exile.

On Kota, all are walking around suggesting Paloma getting her butt kicked sealed her fate. How about the fact that Ace made the DUMMEST call in putting her in? Just don't get it.

On Exile, Sugar chooses to look for the clue and BANGS right through all of the clues Dan missed in about an hour. She gets a clue and a map (don't think Dan got this) BANG she finds the LARGE sand pit and the second clue. BANG she finds the special tree, climbs it, and locates the next clue. BANG she wades through an alligator infested pond and finds the immunity idol. Along the way she tells us she's doing this to get over the loss of her dad.

On Kota, Corrine talks BOB into the alliance. Tree Mail and, thank god, bathing suits. Enough with the Calvin Kline man underwear. Immunity Challenge: Authentic African Slip N Slides are incorporated into a slide/swim/math puzzle/unlock a chest challenge. I'm going to skip to the chase on this one. The final part of the challenge, the math portion, comes down to BOB, the physics teacher and Ken, the gaming dweeb. I think Jeff tried to explain how you have to take the derivative of the second number times the integer of the first number, squared, times the number of days on the show minus the cost of the huts used in the tribal council set ($5) to solve the puzzle, but I was just looking for that peeking chest hair again. Bob gets it first—but it’s wrong. Ken gets it—but it’s wrong. Bob gets it—but it’s wrong. Ken gets it—and it’s correct! Fang wins immunity!!

Over on Kota, Sugar comes back all crying about how hard it is on exile, and nobody even asks her if she found the idol 'cause she's just a dumb blond. She actually is a dumb blond because she tells her Ace in the hole that she has it. He reveals his master plan to win Survivor: Vote off Paloma and then Kelly. Um, yea, there's a few more people you gotta worry about Ace. Paloma tries to save her ass by telling Corrine that Ace has everybody in an alliance (really?) and Corrine starts leaning toward getting rid of Ace. But of course you know they are contractually bound to at least try to make the vote look interesting.

Paloma is the 3rd person voted off.

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