Friday, April 17, 2009

Survivor Week 6

Yo, so I wasn't gonna do an update on last week's show since it was a rehash of the first 14 or so days but, as the show progressed I felt my fingers inching over to the notepad and thought I would share a few comments.

First off, I like to think of this mid season summary as the Drinking Woman's Guide to Survivor. Cause, as you all know from that damn immunity idol slip up I made the other week, I am usually only about half in the bag when this show starts. So, I do appreciate the Probster going back and talking slowly to me about what I've missed.

Some quotes that cracked me up:
Coach is "Stephen Segal's love child"Probst: the season started with an EPIC 4 hour journey to camp. Epic?? Really Jeff? According to "epic" means noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: Homer's Iliad is an epic poem. I mean I know Survivor is a fabulous show but I really don't think 18 strangers wondering out in Brazil looking for a camp on a reality TV show is in the Iliad's category.

JT: a well educated hillbilly. Oxymoron or what!

Taj: "I look fat but I'm really muscular" Which is funny to me cause I was just saying that to my husband.

Lots of pics of Timbura eating bugs and stuff, the men of Jalapeno trying and failing to relight the fire and Sydney getting the job done. Tyson dancing naked, dancing with a loincloth. Tyson is an 'atypical mormon". I think after this show he can drop the mormon line. Hey, lots of interesting scenes with the elusive Debbie. Is there something going on here or is this just another cougar in the jungle?

Brendan and Coach have an alpha male 'bench building contest". Is that friggin GAY or what??

Taj has a crying jag about her ugly bug bitten skin. She's never gonna be beautiful again. "I can't go home empty handed looking like this" Yea, cause my NFL or NBA hubby will replace my ass with a blonde white girl in a heartbeat. Stephen gets a hug in to console the bitten one. Stephen probably has never been that close to a big MUSCULAR woman.

LMAO-Ok, I just love Coach because he is just such a friggin ahole. Apparently he screamed "snake" in his sleep, which he attributes to a nightmare about an Amazon snake incident he once had. Uhuh, was that before or after you conducted the symphony you prissy pompous phony? I love Erin:"Who IS this Jackass??"

And, hands down, my favorite part of the rehash show was the Brazilian Brokeback Mountain scene of Brendan and Stephan 'spooning" on ecstasy island. Dude, I wish I could quit you. Seriously, Stephen must feel like he has stepped into a porno, first hugging a big MUSCULAR black woman with a groin knot, and now getting a little Brendan.

Probst: " the challenges are going to get more intense". Christ, I think that means the puzzles will now have MORE THAN 6 PIECES EACH.

Peace out. Enjoy this great weather and tonight's NEW episode.

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